Shapeshifter Dean fanfic

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This was written for Desi, who requested it on

Muttering under my breath, I do the best to wipe the car grease off of my shirt without prevail. Dean had gotten hurt, badley, and was laid up for at least a couple weeks. Since I used to work in a mechanics shop before Sam and Dean had saved me from A vengful spirit tied to a car, I figured I would vonenteer to fix up Dean's baby, aka, the impala.

Hearing a grunt, I turn to see Dean walking acroos Bobby's junk car lot. "Dean! Arent you suppossed to be lying down for at least another week?" He ignores me, and walks to the engine. "You missed something." He says in a monotone voice. Leaning over, I look at the place he pointed out. "Dean, I didnt miss it, I just havnt gotten to it yet." Nodding, He grunts his aproval before hobbling back to the house. Hes barely putting any weight on his left leg, and he is holding onto his left side. Poor Dean. But thats what happens when you hunt a wendigo by yourself and get a boulder thrown at you. Hes lucky hes alive.

After another half hour of working on the car, its done. I put away all of Bobby's tools and walk inside. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge. I walk in to a familiar sight. Bobby reading something written in japenese at his desk, and Dean passed out on the couch. Sam is on his laptop, probably looking up cases. My suspitions are confirmed. "I think I got us a gig. What looks like a shape shifter thing." "How do you know?" "Well, the cops think that these girls are killing there... customers, then themselves, but when they find the bodies of the girls who suppossivly commit suicde, They put the time of death at at least three days before the murder. A pile of weird, sludge was found at one murder site, and the pictures of it match what we've seen before."

I shrug. Anyhitng to get me out of this house. I love Bobby, but living with him for longer that a week is torture. And beleive me, We've all had our fair share of torture. "So when are we leaving?" Dean asks from his position on the couch.

"Hell no Dean, you arent going anywhere!" Sam says. Well that was the rong thing to say to Dean, and I can see Sam realizes it. But its to late. "I mean-" Sam starts, but Dean cuts him off. "Hell yes, im going. Don;t think you could stop me, either." Dean Clambers of the couch, letting out sounds of pain when he bends his broken ribs the wrong way. "Dean, You hurt." I say, trying to reason with him. "Destinee, I am going." I fall silent. When he uses my real name, and not Des, the nickname he bestowed on me, I know to shut up.

"Alright. Sammy, when are we leaving?"


800 miles and 9 hours later we arrive at Maumelle Arkansas. it would have been a longer drive, but since I was driving it was a lot shorter. We checked into the "Americas Best Value Inn" and get one bedroom. It wasnt a bad place. But we've seen some pretty crappy hotel rooms in our travels. Or hunting, whatever you want to call it. Setting my things on one bed, Dean sets his on the other. Sam goes to set his things with Dean. But he stops Sam. "Uh, no. Sorry man, But you kick, and I don't think I could take it right now." Turning to me, he looks at me as if asking, 'do you mind?'. I nod, and he sets his stuff on my bed.

I should probably say this now. I like Sam. Like, a lot. But he didnt feel the same way about me, he treated me like a sibling. Four years ago they saved me from a haunted car at my family garage, and ive been hunting with them ever since then. The boys and Bobby have taught me everyhting I know.

And its not like Im ugly. I have long, curly brown hair, and hazel eyes. Im tall, but not too tall, about 5'8. I have a good figure, nice features, and tan skin, and I dont have to wear a bunch of makeup like most girls. But Sam only sees the youger, helpless girl that he saved four years ago. Im only three years younger than him, im 24.

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