"I Promise" A Sam one shot

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written for Blue cαмαяσ and Black ιмραℓα.


I was in a dilema. I was an angel, married to a human. Sam Winchester, acually, part of the brother duo who started and ended the apocalypse. But that wasn't the problem. Some of Michael's followers had come out of hiding, and they hated Sam, blamed him for Michael being dragged into Lucifer's cage, along with Lucifer. They had me pinned down, and were injecting me with something they said would brainwash me. "You stupid bitch." One snarled at me, and I started laughing. "How odd, an angel speaking like a human, or worse, a demon." I stopped laughing when one of them stabbed their angel blade into my stomach.

"Why are you doing this?" I choke out, blood filling my mouth from previous wounds inflicted by them. They laughing at my pain, cruel, merciless laughs. "We want Sam dead, and you to suffer. You helped him, made Sam take over Lucifer's body. And then Sam took our leader, Michael, into the pit. we would have chose Dean to kill him, but you were easier to find. So we are going to poison you, brainwash you, force you to kill Sam. What kind of angel are you, marrying a human. What were you thinking?" They smile as another one of them walks over with a needle.

"This is the last dose, then we can make you kill him. Then you are broken, Dean is broken, Cas is sad because Dean is Sad, and Sam?" He chuckles, sending the sound grating over my ears. "Sam will be dead." He moves towards the table I'm strapped on,  holding the needle. I struggle as He walks towards me, but in my weakened state I can't break the straps trapping my hands and feet. I feel a slight pinch over my vessels heart, and my heart starts pumping the poison throughout my entire body. After a second I stop struggling, and they untie me. I take this opportunity to try to run, but I cant move, I just stand there, motionless.

The leader smiles at me. "Now Faun, there is something you should know. First off, you cant break the spell making you kill Sam, but if you do, you will die. Immediately. Second, If you do die, you wont just disappear, like the other angels. No, you will be sent to hell." He puts his hand on my forehead and his eyes shine bright white. In his angelic voice, he commands me to go kill my husband, and I immediately spread my wings and fly to where I knew Sam was.

I don't understand why I cant control my body. Its like I can think for myself, but I can't control my actions, or words, nothing. My mind is trapped in my body, and I can't do anything about it. I look over the hotel room. Same dingy, stained  walls, and disgusting smells, just like all of the other ones. Sam, Dean and Cas are standing around a table, and I can feel the panic rushing off of Sam. "Guys, she was right there, we were talking, I turned around and when I turned back she had disappeared." Cas lifts his head and stares at me, a shocked exression on his face, and Sam looks to what Cas is captivated by. When he sees me, he jumps up and runs to me, enveloping my small frame in a hug. If I wasn't and angel he might have hurt me, the way he squeezed me to him like I might disappear again. "Faun." He pulls back, and stares into my eyes. "What happened?" I try to open my mouth to tell him, but nothing happens. Instead I feel my hand creeping towards the knife at my belt.

"Sam, get away from her! She's poisoned!" Castiel shrieks, jumping up from his chair. Using my angelic strength, I shove Sam to the other side of the room, sending him crashing into a wall, denting it. It wasn't really me, I didn't really want to do this, obviously. I was fighting it, but losing. I feel my body walk over to the limp and groaning body of Sam, when I feel a sharp pain in my side. Looking down, I see and angel blade piercing my side, and Dean is holding the end. He didn't stab anywhere where I'd be hurt, just where he thought I would be incapitated. f course, I would have been if my body wasn't hell bent of killing Sam. Removing the blade from my side, I drop it on the floor and turn to Dean. I force my mind to turn away from what my body is doing, and look for a weakness in the command the other angels had given me. I didn't find any, and when I turned my attention back to Dean, I saw his bloody and battered body on the floor, and I was standing over him, blood dripping from my fists.

"Faun." I hear Sam's weak voice behind me, and my body turns to look at him. He looks towards Cas. "Get Dean out of here, and don't come back." Castiel opens his mouth to protest, but Sam glares at him, and a second later Cas is gone, and Dean had disappeared along with him. Sam turns his attention to me, and looks into my eyes. "Come one Faun, you can fight this." Hearing his soft voice kills me, knowing I'm about to kill him. I guess the poison is starting to lose its edge, because I can make some noise now. "S-Sam." I choke out. "I can't, fight. I" My voice fails me as I walk over to Sam, who is still lying on the floor. Picking up my angel blade from the ground, I hold it to his chest, above his heart. Tears roll down my face as I resist plunging the blade through the only person I have ever, or will ever love. "Faun. His voice  makes my eyes flick from the blade to his eyes. "Faun, fight."

Those two words give me strength. I remember the angel telling me that If I broke the spell, I would die, but all I can think of is the spell is breakable. I drop the angel blade, and can feel the command leaving me, and I tae control of my body again. I drop down besides Sam, cradling his head in my arms. "Sam, baby, are you ok?" He chuckles, and sits up, wincing. "I'm fine. Are you?" Right on cue, I feel my heart flutter. "Sam, I'm going to die. I didn't listen to the command and now its going to kill me."

I feel another jerk in my chest, and I fall back, hitting the ground with a thud. I can see him bend over me, feel him, cradling me in his arms, hear him screaming out my name. I feel everything go numb, and my vision slowly fades to black as my heart beats slower and slower until it stops entirely.

Sam's P.O.V.

She was gone. I was holding her lifeless body in my arms. I couldn't feel anything, its like the part of me that felt died. I blacked out, and woke up at a crossroads. I knew what I needed to do, and I know I wasn't doing this for her, I was doing it for me. I pull what I need out of the trunk of the impala. Great, Dean's going to kill me for taking it. Or 'her', as Dean likes to call it.

Walking to the center of the road, I dig a hole and place the box in it. A second later, I can feel a presence behind me, and I gasp when I see who it is. Its Faun, or rather her body. "Now Sam, what do we have here?" The demon smirks, her eyes glowing red for a second before fading back to Faun's warm, brown eyes. "Why?" I choke out. The demon chuckles. "Because possessing her would hurt you, silly. So let me guess. Your soul for her?" I nod, and the demon smirks again. "I can do that, but you only have six months." I look at it in shock. "Why only six? Most people get ten, and Dean got a year!" I shout, my anger building. "Because she's and angels, you worthless piece of crap." The demon snarls at my, twisting the facial features of my angel before her face settles in a calmer, more pleasant expression. "Take it or leave it." I knew what my answer was. "Ok." I kissed her, and its better that she possessed Faun, its not as disgusting as it would have been.

It steps beack from me, and a large cloud of black smoke pours out of her mouth and disappears into the dark. I pick up the lifeless body of Faun and place her in the backseat. Instead of driving somewhere else, I decide to wait there, at the crossroads until she comes back. After 20 minutes of waiting, I hear a gasp from the backseat, and I rush around to open the door. She looks around then stares at me. "Sam, what did you do!" She shrieks.

Faun's P.O.V.

I feel air rushing into my lungs again, and I can feel the leather seat beneath me.  I open my eyes and I can see I'm in the impala, and I can sense I'm at a cross roads. Sam must have done something drastic when I died.  The door opens and Sam peers in, relieved when he sees me sit up and stare at him. "Sam, what did you do!" I yell at him. He winces, and it seems like he has just realized what he did. "Please, don't lecture me. I know what I did, please, I just want to hold you."

Those words melted me. I nod, and he climbs into the back seat of the impala with me. Grabbing me, he lifts me up like I weigh no more than a feather and places me gently on his lap. I cuddle into his chest, content with staying there forever. But I needed to know one thing. "Sam, how long do you have?" I whisper. He hesitates before answering. "Six months." I tense up when I hear those words. He continues. "I know its not a lot of time, but we can make the most of it, do something we've never don't before, do something a normal couple would do." 

I pull back and look into his eyes. "Sam, you talking like your going to give up, just die." He nods, and I glare at him. "We are going to fight. We are going to get your soul back, and you are going to stay with me. Forever." He smiles before leaning forward and kissing me gently. "Of course." He says after he pulls back, and he hugs me to his chest. "promise me you'll fight?" I whisper. "I promise." He whispers back.

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