The Accident (pt.2)

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Claire and I had just arrived at school..great... note the sarcasm. Claire and I were talking about how her crush messaged her on Twitter and gave her his number. She had been major fangirling over him for months and she finally got her happing ending. I was happy for my best friend, she deserved to be happy and if this guy could make her smile, then i was happy. As usual once we reached the quad we went our seperate ways, but something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. Avery was FLIRTING with a guy! Our hopeless romantic Avery is talking to a really cute curly brown haired guy. Good job Avery, you go girl. I thought I shouldn't interrupt them so I walked towards the girl's locker room to wait for Lynny. As I was walking past the cafeteria I saw Lynny walking behind me in the reflection of the window. That's funny she thought she could scare me. "You know I can see you in the reflection right?" I asked Lynny as I turned to face her. "What! Darn me! Haha, well hi." Lynny greeted me. "Lynny I can't believe we made the team!" I kinda shouted at her, as you could see I was still pretty excited that I made the softball team. "I know right! We were so nervous! I'm really excited for our first scrimmage this weekend." Now it was her turn to be excited about the tryouts. "OH! YOUR NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT I SAW THIS MORNING!" I was practically jumping up and down trying to tell her. "What!?" Lynny asked anxiously. "I saw Avery, our little Avery, talking to a really cute guy this morning! it wasn't just talking, they were FLIRTING!" I gushed out. "OH EM GEE! OUR AVERY?" Lynny's eyes were filled with happiness. "Yes! Our Avery! Who else?" excitement was bubbling in my voice. "Awh! I wish I could've seen him!" disappointment clearly in Lynny's voice. "Seen who?" a new voice now entered the conversation. "Hi Avery!" both Lynny and I replied in sync with matching grins. "Okay, now you guys are just creeping me out, what's going on?" Avery said very cautiously. " Oh nothing, you know just talking about the guy we saw you flirting with!" Lynny beat me to the punch. Almost immediately Avery's cheeks turned a scarlet rose color. "AWH! SHE'S BLUSHING!" again both Lynny and I shouted. "Shh, you guys, keep it down." Avery commanded us. "Okay, okay" I agreed.


The rest of the week went by pretty fast. I didn't really get to see Letterman this week which was a bummer. Oh, yeah! The girls and I decided to call the junior baseball guy 'Letterman' because well that's what he was wearing when I fist saw him. It was now Saturday which meant both the girls and the guys had scrimmages today and hopefully I could catch a glimpse of a certain someone in baseball pants. Oh gosh, if you know how a guy in baseball pants looks then..just imagine 10x better and you'll know how Letterman's butt looks. I know I sound like I'm exaggerating but he has a really nice butt! With that thought stuck in my head, Lynny and my infield buddy snapped me out of my daze when they called me over. "Hey Lila!" Lynny called me over with excitement. "Yeah?" I asked nervously. "Guess who we just saw running towards the baseball fields?" Lynny asked, eyes sparkling. "WHAT! NO FAIR! YOU GOT TO SEE LETTERMAN IN BASEBALL PANTS!" I whined with disappointment. Both girls started cracking up. Why did they think this was so funny? "Awh! Lila you should see your face! You have the biggest pout, you look like a little puppy!" My infield buddy, Marie, cooed. "Wait. Who's Letterman?" Marie asked with confusion. "Oh, just some guy that Lila's hardcore fangirling over!" Lynny answered for me. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I grumbled out. "C'mon girls! Time to warm up!" our coached yelled. ***************************************

We were split into two groups and we were to scrimmage against each other. Our coach had asked me to play 2nd and 3rd so I didn't get to bat till the last inning. I was doing pretty well even when my dad was watching from the stands, when finally it was my turn to bat. I grabbed a helmet, batting gloves, and my bat. I took a couple of deep breaths and walked towards the plate. I set myself up.. watched the pitcher.. preloaded.. watched the ball come towards me... and BAM! I picked a low ball straight into the outfield! I ran towards first and stopped when I hit the bag. The outfield over threw the ball to first and I was off towards second. I hit the corner of the bag, ready to round towards third, when I heard a loud pop. My leg collapsed underneath me and I was lying on the floor. The coaches came running towards me and asked if I could stand up. I stood up and everything was fine. I told them I was fine and to continue the game. The next batter hit the ball into the outfield and as soon as I put any weight on my leg it collapsed underneath me like a noodle. I knew at that moment that something was wrong. "Ugh, not again." the asst. coach breathed out. Bitch. I'm sorry if I got hurt. The coaches and everyone ran towards me. I hadn't realized that I was clenching the sand with my fingers. A few tears were clouding my vision, but I pushed them back. This time my coach called the athletic trainer over and he examined my leg. He did some pulling on my leg, nothing hurt, that was a good sign right? "It's not good. I'll have to take her back and get a full examination." the trainers words echoed in my head. I pulled myself up and hobbled over to the gator where I was taken to the training room. I entered the cold, dim-lighted room, and sat on the table. My dad soon followed right after. The trainer had already started preforming tests on my leg. He sighed. Why did he sigh!? "It's her ACL." his words bouncing off the walls. "Shit!" my dad had cursed. I knew what this meant. My dad had tore his ACL two years ago. I remember all the pain he was in, he didn't leave his room for like a month. My dad was already on the phone with my mom. "Hey, Lila hurt herself. The trainer said it's her ACL. I saw the way her knee collapsed. She's going to need surgery." my dad's words weren't even registering right now. "We'll put this immbolizer on for right now until you go to the hospital. On Monday just come here in the morning and we'll start your excerises." the trainer informed me. Well there goes my season. I hadn't even played my first real game. All my hard work just went down the drain. I can't believe in just a matter of seconds my freshman softball season is over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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