The Accident

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Chapter 4

The Accident

I absolutely hate Sundays! It’s the day before Monday and its laundry day. I have to do EVERYONE’S laundry and that really blows. The only thing that I can possibly think of that make Sundays better is that I have quince practice at 2. My close friend from last year had asked me to stand in her quince with her and honored, I accepted. I only really knew three people that were also going to stand in the quince; Hales, Ryan, and the quince girl herself, Vanessa. What was interesting about this though was Ryan, I’ve kind of always had this thing for him. 

I’ll take you back four years ago when I met Ryan, him and I played for the same softball team at the time. It was my first year ever playing sports, so yeah I sucked majorly. I was in the fifth grade and Ryan was in the fourth and at the time that didn’t matter. He always used to tease me about everything! I was young and I didn’t know that teasing was how a guy showed they liked you. I used to hate it when he teased me, it got me so mad! I remember my parents would always tease me about Ryan and me liking each other and I used to think that was the most bizarre thing I ever heard. It wasn’t until near the end of our softball season that I realized I did like him. I liked that he acted like a dork, always made me laugh, was always talking to me, even teasing me, and he was cute.  Unfortunately our story was short lived, because my parents told me that my dad got orders to get stationed in Washington. I remember the day I told Ryan we were moving away, it was the day he cried. He cried because I was moving, how could I not realize that he liked me? I guess people were right when they say things are better said than left unsaid. 

I lived in Washington for two years and like anywhere you live, it came with its ups and downs. During 6th and 7th grade I went through many friendships and heartbreaks. (Okay, maybe only one heartbreak.) I had my first boyfriend right before the Christmas break, his name was Andiron. It only lasted three weeks because his parents ended up getting orders to Germany. Well I ended up falling for my best friends ex boyfriend; the tricky thing was that he and I were best friends. How cliché, falling for your best friend. Well long story short, I thought he was something special and he ended up breaking my heart and going back to his older ex. Ever since that break-up, I was always careful on who I opened up with. Even though I really didn’t enjoy Washington; I changed for the better, I guess you can say. Two years went by and it was time to move back to Texas! I was so excited; I missed the heat so much! 

I remember my first day of eighth grade like it was yesterday. I remember all the hugs and welcome backs I got, but that was also the day I found out Ryan was dating my close friend Vanessa. I can still see the conversation Ryan and I had when we first saw each other after two years. Both our faces had an expression between surprised and disbelief. “Lila, this is my boyfriend Ryan. Ryan this is Lila, we were friends back in the 5th grade.” Vanessa’s voice had broken the stare that Ryan and I held. “Umm...Yeah...We know each other.” Both Ryan and I spoke at the same time and had managed to look at each other again. At that exact moment all those feelings came back in an instant and I knew that it was a bad thing. I don’t know how else to explain the feeling I had when I saw him again, but it felt like a spark. Things between us picked up as if I hadn’t moved away at all. He still continued to tease me every chance he got, he talked to me more than his actual girlfriend, and he told me everything. We became best friends that year and I was okay with that because he had a girlfriend. But things started to change; Vanessa started to notice other guys in our grade, she started talking and flirting with other guys, and then it finally came down to where she cheated on Ryan three times. Ryan always came to me whenever he needed someone to talk to and I was always there for him. It broke his heart so bad when he found out Vanessa cheated on him multiple times and guess who was there to help him pick up the pieces. I would stay up till two in the morning talking to him and listening to him cry over her. It would get me so frustrated sometimes, did she not see what a great guy he was and she just threw it away. After the break-up Ryan and I were talking constantly 24/7 and of course my feelings for him grew stronger. Until I moved on to high school and he stayed in middle school and we just drifted apart. So there you have it mine and Ryan’s back story, I don’t really know how you would categorize it though.

Now we’re back to the present day also known as laundry day/quince practice day/ the day before school/ and just plain old Sunday. It was already 10 a.m. so I decided to go shower and get ready, I already threw a load in so I should be good for now. Time flew by like the wind and I walked my happy little self down the street to Vanessa’s house. “Hey! Come on in, Vanessa and the others are over there by the table.” Vanessa’s mom greeted me at the door. “Oh, okay thanks.” I replied and giving her a genuine smile. “Lila! I have so much to tell you! You’re not going to believe what he sent me, hold on I’ll show you the messages in a sec.” Hales practically jumped my throat when she caught a sight at me. I always loved her hyper personality. “This should be interesting after what he did last time.” I breathed out after getting released from Hales death-grip of a hug. “No kidding!” I heard Hales laughing from the corner where her phone was plugged in. “Hey, where’s Vanessa?” I asked the now hyper short red head. “Umm… last time I knew she was upstairs.” Hales whispered out as she was now concentrated on trying to find the messages. 

“Well… Well look who’s here.” I recognized the voice even before I turned around. After spending hours constantly talking for hours on the phone, I could recognize his voice in a room full of people. “Hi to you too Ryan.” my teasing smirk was matching the exact one he was wearing. “So, did you make the team?” his voice still had a teasing tone to it, but I could still sense the genuine curiosity it held. “In matter of fact, I did.” my voice was filled with happiness and pride. “Whatever you probably didn’t even make it.” his voice held nothing but amusement. “You want proof?” even though I was trying my best at sounding annoyed, I couldn’t help but smile like a dork. “Yes, I do want proof. I mean you did suck at softball all those years ago, I don’t think you got any better.” If it wasn’t for the smile on his lips while he said this I probably would have hit him already. I quickly pulled out my phone and proudly showed him the picture I took of the official list of the girls who made the cut. “Enough proof?” the smirk on my lips never dropping. “Whatever, you probably made the d-squad.” he was laughing while saying this. “Wow, low blow. Plus there isn’t even a d-squad.” there was a little hurt in my voice, but I quickly masked it with smugness. “Well they probably made one just for you!” he had a blast with that one because he gripping his sides in laughter. “Wow Ryan! Thanks!” I replied sarcastically. "Ha ha, you have to admit that was a good one." Ryan managed to throw at while he was trying to control his breathing. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I managed to mask my voice with annoyance, but my unfaltering smile betrayed me. 

As always the weekend went by faster than anything and I was forced to go to school the following day.  Maybe this week wouldn't be as bad as I think. I do get to see a really cute junior baseball guy that I haven't seen in awhile. I do my daily routine of getting ready and make my way out of the house at exactly 7:25. I send a quick text to Claire to hurry her butt up because it's freezing outside. The strawberry blonde hair girl came into view and greeted me with her usual cheery voice except this time she had a little more pep in her step. Something happened... something good... HA! It has to have a guy involve. "Why hello there." her voice definitely had a little more pep in it. "What happened?" I cut straight to the point. "What could you ever mean?" her voice held nothing but amusement. "I mean why the giant smile and the pep in your step" I asked with anxiousness. "Well, I'll just let you read the messages." she said already pulling out her new Iphone 4. "Wow, this must be good!" I teased her. "Shut up and just read them already" 


Okay you guys so yeah its been awhile, the last time i uploaded was before i had surgery. I would tell you what happened but you have to wait till part 2 of this chapter to know what happened. But since I felt so bad about not uploading here is just a little something to keep you over till I post the second part. Thank you guys so much for reading my story! <3 & yes most of this story is true at the end of the book ill tell you guys what parts weren't true ;)

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