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Most of Lucy Weasley's family members had been placed in Gyriffindoor, in fact, except for Molly and Rosie who were Ravenclaws, Lucy didn't know if anyone in her family had ever been in a different house.

But Lucy Weasley didn't think that she belonged in any of the Hogwarts houses, because she wasn't brave like Lily and she definitely wasn't as smart as Molly and she really, really didn't want to be in Slytherin, no matter what Uncle Harry said.

So when she was put in Hufflepuff she didn't know what to think.

Because what would her family say? Rosie and Molly being in Ravenclaw made them smart, which was something to be proud of so it made sense that no one was mad at them. But she'd always got the impression that Hufflepuff was sort of the nothing house. The house for people who didn't belong in any other house.

Lucy felt more alone than she ever had in her whole life, and she was ashamed, because what if everyone was disappointed in her?

But then she meet Belle Thomas and Laura Corner who had also been sorted into Hufflepuff too, and it was so nice to meet girls like her, who worried a lot and liked swapping secrets.

And then her whole family ambushed her on the way to the Great hall after she had successfully avoided all of them for over a week.

"Have you been avoiding us Luce?" Molly wondered aloud as the whole family surrounded her in the doorway.

"N-n-no" lied Lucy

"Thought we'd be mad, huh" said Louis who was grinning, because Louis was always grinning.

Lucy looked down, suddenly enthralled by her left foot.

"Lucy you're a tosser, we don't care that you're in Hufflepuff" Roxanne said in a brisk voice, before pulling Lucy into a hug and sort of standing on her foot but who cared because Roxy was hugging her and telling her she was a tosser, like always.

"Ohhhh family bonding moment! Group hug!!" Fred shouted, grabbing Louis by the ear and dragging him in the circle.

"Oh no I-" but James was cut short as freckled female hand reached out and dragged him into the bundle of limbs,

"Ow ow ow ow okay Lily okay I'll participate in the family moment, jeez"

"Hugo get of my foot!"

"Who's pulling my hair?! Fred is it you?"

"Rosie, your knee is in a place where the sun don't shine."


"Fred stop pulling my hair, I mean it!"

"I can't breathe-"

"Oi, you're all blocking the corridor!"

"What's going on? Why can't we go in?"

"Bloody Weasley's"

"Okay" said Louis, grabbing Lucy from the centre of the human knot and pulling her to safety "Thats enough family bonding for today."

"Thank god" breathed Dominique, stumbling out of the huddle.

Rosie extracted herself from the circle and began madly rubbing her knee while shooting daggers at James who was smirking, clearly enjoying himself.

Well, he was until Lily hit him over the head with her transfiguration book, and then James hit her back and then Molly hit Fred for pulling her hair and then they all got detention for starting a brawl in the entrance hall, but no matter.

Lucy beamed the whole way to McGonagall's office.

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