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Victorie Weasley loved Winter.

She loved Winter because it was cold and everything was white, she loved Winter because it snowed and she could make snow angels with her Dad when she was little and have snowball fights with her cousins when she was older.

Winter was fresh and new, and Victorie could drink hot chocolate with her family and wear Teddy's old coats.

So when she was going to get married to wanted it be Winter, because winter was a new beginning and so was this.

Naturally everyone thought it was a terrible idea the minute she brought it up.

"Vic it'll be to cold!"

"Your dress won't stand out against all the white"

"Everyone will have to wear frumpy coats"

"Our arses will freeze to the chairs!" (Dominique)

But Victorie didn't care, as long as Teddy liked it she would do it anyway and Dom was always dramatic, no ones arse's would really freeze to the chairs, would they?

(Yes, yes they would)

(But it was only three people and one of them was Aunt Mildred and that hardly counted)


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