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Dominique Weasley was the most terrifying person you will ever met.

It's what she was known for.

But she was absolutely scared shitless by bugs. They made her skin crawl and very time she looked at one she felt like throwing up her stomach into the nearest bin.

The only person who has ever realised this was Liam Carter, who saw her scream, leap back and hit the wall, then nearly pass out while it scuttled away when she saw one while they were walking down the empty charms corridor, already ten minutes late for Flitwick.

But he didn't tell anyone, because she was Dominique Weasley and scary as fuck, and because he sort-of-kind-of liked her, because she wasn't afraid to tell him that his tattoo ideas were stupid and that he shouldn't listen to his mother who kept telling him to cut his hair.

She was scary, but not scary enough to stop him kissing her weeks later when she hit a bludger so hard at Adam Boot in the Quiditch final that he nearly choked to death on his own teeth.

Like he said, scary as fuck but shit she made him laugh.

A/N: might write a one-shot oh these two if anyone's interested, so keep a look out for that. You also may have noticed that Dom's my favourite next gen, sorry-not-sorry.

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