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In the midst of it all, Fred knew he wasn't going to die.

He was Fred Weasley, funny Fred with the twin and the hair, he couldn't die, it wasn't allowed. He was nineteen, had a job and a family and a life and he was invincible.

So when he went to Hogwarts it was only to kill those fuckers who wanted to kill Ron and Harry and Hermione and his family because they weren't going to die ether, they were to real. Ginny's hair to red and Ron to lanky to be dead because they were right in front of him, alive, breathing and fighting. Fighting for something good.

And fighting was exhilarating, because Percy was here. Perce was here and with them and no one was going to die because everything was just coming right again. Harry was good, he knew Harry, trusted Harry, the kid was going to save them, save them all.

Free Weasley was nineteen and invisible.

And he was duelling and winning and God this was better than making people laugh, this, winning, fighting was something they should have done weeks, months, years ago because this felt good and he was winning. He was winning. And he felt it in his ribs and in his lungs that they were going to be fine, because how could they not be? And then Percy was joking. Joking. Percy. And it was good to hear his brother laugh again and shit, he'd missed him and it was so great and good and nothing could touch him and he knew it, knew it like he knew he wasn't going to die because everything was so good and he was winning and Percy was laughing and he knew that everything would be okay and Harry would save them and knew that-

Well, then Fred Weasley knew nothing at all.

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