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A/N: warning, swearing ahead in other chapters

The fact that to some people Teddy Lupin is not considered a member of their family is a very odd fact that James Potter could never get his head around.

It was just ridiculous because of course Teddy was part of his family, he lived with them every other week when he wasn't with his Grandmother, he showed James how to hold a Quaffle and threw fudge flies with James at Rosie when they went in the muggle car. Teddy once sat on his face when James took his spot of the couch and has seen James cry more than once.

Teddy punched Darron Mulbroke in the face when he said James was a spoiled prick and steals food from his plate at Sunday lunch and when James saw Teddy snogging Vic's face off on the train he teased him about it just like a younger brother would.

And after all that, Teddy wasn't allowed to be part of his family because of their blood was different? Well, up yours then, fucking tosser and if you're not careful he'll tell Lily you said that, and then you'd really have a problem.

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