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The children didn't know what was going on. Only that their parents were scared.

They were in the downstairs hall James Potter was holding Sara and Lily was holding Harry.

"Hurry Lily take Harry and Sara upstairs he's here! Go!" Said James. "I can't leave you!" Screamed Lily.

"You have to I love you Lily!" He said. "I love you James!" Said Lily they leaned in and kisses each other.

"Go!" Lily took Sara and Harry upstairs. She set them in the crib and started talking.

"You are loved you are so loved. Momma loves you Daddy loves you be safe be strong."

They heard a bang from downstairs. They heard James scream." Please don't hurt us." Said James.

There was a bright green light then I loud thud in the floor. Then a stranger came into the room.

"Please!" Shrieked Lily. "Take me don't hurt the children." "Step aside girl." Said the man.

But Lily did not move. "Avada Kedavra!" Said the man. Lily fell to the floor.

The twins scooted close to each other. The man pointed a stick that the twins saw their parents use and muttered some words.

Then the man disappeared. Harry got a lightning bolt on his head. Sara got a star on her left wrist.

A big man came in and had tears in his eyes when he saw Lily on the floor. He picked up the twins and took them outside.

They saw uncle Sirius come down on his motor bike. He stopped and looked at the house and put his hands over his mouth.

The twins reached for uncle Sirius. They didn't like being in the strangers arms. Maybe Sirius would take them to mommy or daddy.

The giant man took the kids and they got in the bike and started to fly. Harry fell asleep but Sara stayed awake.

They reached a little street and saw two people. A man with a long beard and a lady with a stern face.

All these strangers were scary to Sara. Sara stared to cry. "It's all right little one" said the man with the beard." You're safe now Sara automatically fell asleep.

"What are we going to do Dumbledore?" Said McGonagall. "Harry is going to stay here with his aunt and uncle." Said Dumbledore.

"Harry!" Said McGonagall. "Their the only family he's got." "WHAT ABOUT SARA!" Screamed Hagrid.

"She is going to stay with some muggle friends of mine." Said Dumbledore. "Everyone must think that she's dead. She is a controlist she can adapt to any temperature turn into any element and she can control any element." He said calmly.

"She needs to learn to control it away from everyone and if everyone thinks she's dead it will delay Voldemort from returning." Said Dumbledore.

"Returning?" Said Hagrid. "He's dead isn't he?" "For now Hagrid but one day he will return and he'll need their blood to do it." Said Dumbledore.

"You two have to promise me not to tell a soul." He said. They both swore. "But Dumbledore I ran into Sirius he knows she's alive." Said Hagrid.

"I'll take care of it I'll modify his mind to make it seem like it was only Harry." Said Dumbledore.

He laid Harry at the door step and took Sara to his muggle friends and explained everything to them. The muggles moved around all the time so Sara was never noticed.

But Sara was told everything. Although they didn't need to. Sara had a photographic memory. She remembers everything perfectly clear.

She loved her muggle family but she couldn't wait for the day when she'd get to meet Harry.

When she was 13 Dumbledore told her she needed to go to Hogwarts. Sirius Black escaped and he wanted to keep an eye on her.

She was beyond exited. Of course she had to cover her scar and she had to pretend to be a muggle born named Sara Vaughn.

But she didn't care all she cares about was she was going to see Harry.

Emily- hey guys so what do you think?
Sara- this is a disclaimer

Harry- we are all owned by J.K. Rowling

Sara- except for me

Hermonie- who are you

Sara- nobody just don't read the chapter

Harry- woah you're my twin?!

Sara- you didn't see anything

Ron- guys I just got a cart full of chocolate frogs

Emily- this isn't a chat room

Sara- right please vote and comment

Ron- vote and comment for what

Harry- wait were owned?!

Harry Potters twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now