Chapter 15

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We made our way down to Hagrids. The snow was so enchanting on everything.

Ron knocked but no one answered. "He's not out is he?" Asked Hermonie shivering.

I put my eyes through a crack in the door and I saw Hagrids feet.

"Hagrid!" Harry called "are you in there?" Heavy footsteps could be heard coming to the door.

"Yeh've heard?" He bellowed and flung himself onto Harry. If it wasn't for Ron Hermonie and I Harry would've collapsed under the pressure.

"Hagrid what is it?" Asked Hermonie concerned. I saw and official looking letter and Harry saw it too.

"What's this?" Harry and I asked at the same time. Ron rolled his eyes. "Will you two stop doing that?"

Hermonie elbowed him in the side. Hagrid then shoved the letter toward Harry and I. Hermonie and Ron peeking from behind.

Dear Mr. Hagrid,
Further to our inquiry into the attack by a hippogriff on a student in your class, we have accepted the the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibility for the regrettable incident.

I paused for a second. Isn't this a good thing. Then I read on.

However, we must register our concern about the hippogriff in question. We have decided to uphold the official complaint of  Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and this matter will therefore be taken to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. The hearing will take place on April 20th, and we ask you to present yourself and your hippogriff at the Committee's offices in London on that date. In the meantime, the hippogriff should be kept isolated.

Yours in fellowship

And it went on to say the names of the school governors. "Oh" said Ron "but you said Buckbeak wasn't a bad hippogriff. I bet he'll get off-"

"Yeh don' know them gargoyles at the Committee fer the disposal o' Dangerous Creatures!" Choked Hagrid wiping his eyes.

All of a sudden a sound came from the back of the hut. The four of us turned to the back of the hut And Buckbeak was there.

"I couldn' leave him tied up out there in the snow!" Choked Hagrid. "All on his own on Christmas!"

I nodded knowingly that he couldn't do that. "It's all right Hagrid everything is going to be fine"

"Yeah" said Harry. "We'll help you"

Hermonie nodded "I'll read everything I can about it" I smiled and said "me too knowing Harry and Ron won't read anything"

Harry and Ron glared at me. Hagrid cried even louder. "Thank ya all. He's not a bad Hippogriff"

Hermonie looked out the window. "We better get going" I nodded and gave Hagrid a hug. Which I somewhat regretted because I could hardly breathe.

We all made our way up to the castle. Over the next couple of days we spent most of the time in the library, but most of it was a bust.

"Here's something" said Hermonie "there was a case in 1722... But the Hippogriff was convicted- ugh look what they did to it, that's disgusting-"

"This might help" I said  "look a manticore savaged someone in 1296, and they let the manticore off- oh- no, that was only because everyone was too scared to go near it..."

Well otherwise Christmas was great. On that morning Hermonie and I mad our way down to the common room and shortly after the boys were rushing down the stairs.

We had all received sweaters from Mrs Weasly. I was shocked considering I didn't even knew that she knew me.

Then Harry saw a long thin package. "What's that?" Asked Ron. Harry shrugged and ripped it open.

We all gasped when we saw the Firebolt. "Who sent it to you?" Asked Ron.

"Look and see if there's a card"

"Nothing! Blimey, who'd spend that much on you?"

I was paying much attention after that. Hermonie and I looked to each other like we were thinking the same thing.

What if Sirius Black had sent this and it was jinxed. "What's wrong with you two?" Asked Ron when he saw our faces.

"It's a bit odd isn't it?" Said Hermonie slowly "I mean it must be really expensive"

"Better then all the Slytherins brooms combined" said Ron

"Well... Who'd send Harry something as expensive as that and not even tell him they'd sent it?" She said.

After that I looked down and saw a small package and I opened it, while they were yelling about Hermonies cat.

Inside was a necklace with a gold heart on it. There was a letter and it said.

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower after breakfast  today  I want to talk to you face to face

Secret lover

I put on the necklace and joined everyone when I saw they were going out the portrait hole.

We made our way down to the Great Hall. Christmas was amazing everyone was laughing and the teachers were talking.

I was looking around the hall trying to see who I thought this secret lover is it was rather difficult.

When we were leaving the Great Hall I turned to the boys and said. "I'll be back I'll see you in the Common Room"

They nodded and Hermonie went to talk to Professor McGonagall. I dashed up the stairs into the Astronomy Tower.

He wasn't there yet. So I decided to pull out my little mirror and fix my hair and to make sure I did it. Look like crap.

Then I heard footsteps I turned around and what I saw shocked me beyond belief.

Sara- aw man who was it?

Harry- hey Hermonie where did you go?

Hermonie- not important right now

Ron- who sent him that Firebolt?

Emily- you must wait

Harry- why has it been so long

Emily- I'm sorry I was sick then I went to a water park then I went the lake an I haven't had time

Harry- well update soon

Hermonie- we are all owned by J.k. Rowling

Sara- except me in owned by Emily

Ron- please vote and comment

Sara- comment who you think is secret lover because she won't tell me

Harry- and hope you're having a great summer

Emily- thanks for reading

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