Chapter 17

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Ron and Harry weren't speaking to Hermonie and quite frankly it was getting to me.

I like hanging out with the boys but I like hanging out with Hermonie and u can't do both at the same time so it was getting frustrating.

Then everyone returned after new year and the tower became noisy once more. I saw Wood heading over to Harry and I knew they would mention the broom so I left the common room.

I was walking down the hall when I felt someone's arm pull me into a broom closet and just when I was about to light that person in fire I saw who it was.

"Draco!" I yelled at him. "Don't do that I nearly burned you!" I said. He just smirked at me.

"So" I said. "Have you done what I asked?" Crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

"I have called anyone the M word all week, I pretend to glare at you and being mean to people less" he said.

"And?" I said waiting for him to mention Buckbeak.

"I tried." He said his face fallen "Sara I really did my father wouldn't listen to me."

My face fell but I knew he was being honest with me. "Draco, I'm upset that you didn't convince your dad" I said.

His face fell as if I just told him his puppy was sick. "But" I said. "I believe that you did try, and I know you don't like being mean to people so yes I'll go out with you...In secret"

He smiled so big and said " I feel great I could kiss you!" He said. He blushed then I blushed then I did something I never I thought possible.

I kissed him.

Nothing big just a little kiss, but it still made my insides stir. Just then I saw the doorknob turn and before I could react I saw Hermonie outside the door.

"Sara?!" She yelled "what are you-" I covered her mouth and told Draco to go.

I shut the door and took my hand off her mouth. "Do not scream I will explain." I said calmly.

"Please!" She said "explain to me why you were kissing Draco Malfoy in a broom closet?!"

I then told her everything about Draco. Minus the part of me being Sara Potter.

"Wow" she said "he's actually not a bad person?" She asked me. I nodded and smiled.

"Please don't tell anyone!" I told her. She nodded her head and promised. Then hugged me.

"I'm happy for you Sara." She said. "Thanks Mionie" I said. Then I looked at my watch.

"Oh no I'm gonna miss my lesson with Harry and Lupin!" I said. I opened the door and ran to the classroom.

Harry had apparently just gotten there too because I knocked him over when we got inside.

"Sorry Harry." I said and helped him up. Lupin smiled at us and told us we were going to start.

I saw he had a packing case with I supposed a boggart inside.

"So..." Said Lupin and he took out his wand and indicated that we should do the same.

"The spell I'm going to teach you is highly advanced magic, well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. It's called the Patronus Charm."

"How does it work?" Said Harry nervously

"Well,when it works correctly it conjures up a Patronus" said Lupin "which is kind of anti dementor a guardian that acts as a shield between you and the dementor"

He explained think of a very happy thought and say the incantation and a patronus shall come.

"The incantation is Expecto Patronum"

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