Chapter 2

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I wake to someone shaking me. I get up and Moony hands me chocolate. "Here eat it'll make you feel better."

I take it and Moony leaves the compartment and I see Harry is sucking on chocolate.

I remember from when we were little he always did that until it was gone. I take mine and bite it.

"Did any of the rest of you faint?" Asked Harry. "No" said Hermonie. "Except for Sara." She said.

"It felt like all the happiness was gone though." Said Ron. "Did you hear a woman scream?" Said Harry.

"No" said Ron and Hermonie in unison. "Yes" I said. They all looked at me.

"Maybe it's just because we fainted" I said. We were silent after that until I decided to play with my element powers.

Since I'm a controlist I can control any element turn into any element and they don't effect me like I can't drown.

I opened my palm and let a ball of fire float in my hand. "Bloody hell!" Shrieked Ron as he backed away from me.

Harry was backing into the corner of the compartment. "How are you doing that?" He asked.

I explained to them what a controlist was. "Brilliant" said Hermonie. "Wicked" said Ron getting closer to me.

I made my hair go on fire. Which made him back up. "Jeez and I thought your hair was red before." He said.

"You know." Said Harry. "There are other elements than fire." I looked at Harry well glanced really.

You couldn't tell we were twins Harry had moms eyes but looked like dad. I on the other hand looked like mom but had dads hazel eyes.

"Yeah but fire is scarier than the others." I said. "Wait" said Ron. "Do you know what house you're in?"

"Yeah Gryffindoor Dumbledore came with the hat when he was explains things." I said.

"Great you're in our house!" Said Hermonie smiling. The castle looked beautiful I barely noticed Hermonie talking to me when we got in the carriages.

"Do you need help studying since you just got here?" She asked. "Thanks but Dumbledore came and gave me a book of spells for first and second year Magic the minister aloud me to practice since I just found out that I was a witch." I said.

"Oh" she said shrugging. Although I wasn't paying attention. I was absorbing everything.

"When did he give it to you?" She asked. "My birthday." I said still not really paying attention.

"When's your birthday?" She asked. "July 31st." I said without meaning to. I cursed myself in my head.

"That's my birthday" said Harry. "Cool" I said. They all just kept staring at me. "What is it weird her to have the same birthday as someone else?" I asked.

"No" said Hermonie. "It's just that Harry had a twin and." I interrupted her.

" I'm muggle born not his twin we don't even look alike." I said. Playing with my sleeve making sure my scar was covered.

"It's just that." Hermonie started but Harry interrupted her. "My twins name was Sara it's just I really weird coincidence." He said.

I shrugged I didn't have anything to say to that. I had to be more careful or I'd blow my cover.

Hermonie- this was a nice chapter

Ron- you had to make her with fire power didn't you Emily


Sara- I think it's cool

Harry- when will I realize you're my sister I was so close in this chapter

Sara- I'm not your sister

Harry- yes you are it said so in this chapter actually

Hermonie- yeah

Ron-dang I can't date my friends sister

Emily- you weren't going to anyway

Harry-yeah anyway you're my...


Ron- how did we already get to the disclaimer

Harry- yeah what were we talking about

Hermonie- never mind that

Draco- we are all owned by J.K. Rowling

Sara-except for me Emily owns me

Draco- seriously why are we owned

Ron- can it Malfoy no one wants you

Sara- I mean he's kinda cute and could be good

Draco- 😉

Harry- gross

Sirius- please vote and comment

Draco- it's Sirius black

Ron- run!!!!!

Emily- thank you Sirius they were really annoying

Sirius- sure thing something good will happen to me in the book right

Emily- I can pull a few strings

Thanks for reading so you like the disclaimer? Should I keep doing it that way? Please comment what you think

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