Chapter 1

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I get to go to Hogwarts. It still doesn't seem real to me. My muggle parents I still think of them as my parents because they raised me. Are taking me to platform 9 3/4.

We stopped at platform nine and ten. "Sorry honey" said dad. "We have to catch our flight."

"Love you." Said mom. "Hey where will you be on Christmas?" I said. They're scientists so we're constantly moving.

That's how the ministry skipped me. But Dumbledore told them that he found me over the summer. So I can go.

I already had been sorted when he came to my house. Gryffindoor the house of the brave.

"We think will be in Russia." Said mom. They waved goodbye as I went through the wall.

I started over to the loading area. I finished putting my stuff up when I turned around and there was a blonde headed boy in front of me.

"I don't think I've seen you around school before. And you don't look like a first year." He said.

"Who are you?" He asked. I looked and saw his two goons behind him fat and bulgy.

"Sorry I don't know who you are." I said. He smiled. "Malfoy Draco Malfoy." He said.

It took all that was in me not to laugh. "I'm Sara Vaughn" I said. I told him how my parents are muggles and moved a bunch.

"Oh" he said disgusted. "You're a filthy little mud blood then."

I pulled out my wand. "What did you call me?" I said. I was about to cast a spell when a boy with jet black messy hair came over.

"Back off Malfoy." He said. "Harry stop not worth getting detention over." Said a girl with bushy brown hair.

I thought for a second did she say Harry? It can't be could it? Malfoy walked away to get in the train.

"You can sit with us." Said a boy with red hair. He kept staring at me like I was some sort of super model.

We got into a compartment with a man in it. "Who's that?" Said the boy I learned was Ron.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Said the girl I learned was Hermonie. "How did you know that how does she know everything?"

Before Hermonie could answer I did. "It's on his suitcase Ron." I said flipping my red hair.

"Great." Said Ron another smart one. I just laughed. "So" said Hermonie "I haven't seen you before. Who are you?"

I told them I was Sara Vaughn and the whole move around thing. "Well I'm Hermonie Granger my parents are muggles too. Dentists." She said.

"I'm Ron Weasley." Said Ron. I shook his hand he looked like he was going to faint.

Then Harry said. "I'm Harry Harry Potter." I smiled and shook his hand. What I wanted to do was hug him as hard as I could.

"Funny" I said. "What" he said. "I think  I've heard that name before." I said.

Ron gave me a quick version of the story. I looked at Harry. "I'm so sorry." I said.

"Sorry?" He said confused. "Most people just say awesome or you're so cool."

"I mean I guess but to loose you're mom dad and sister that's sad." I said. I was going to say something else when a chill came into the train.

I turned to look out the window. But it was frozen. I looked down at the man next to me and I recognized him.


Lily aunt Sydney and aunty Jen were out for a girls day. Remus Sirius and James were watching Harry and Sara.

Harry was crying as hard as he possibly could James was holding him trying to get him to calm down.

Sirius was sitting on the couch with Remus. Sirius was laughing at James. While Remus had Sara in his lap. She was playing with his face.

"Moo-knee" said Sara trying to say Moony . She was a very bright child. She already learned that week to say momma and daddy.

Harry stopped crying and clapped for Sara's accomplishment. Sirius leaned over and gave her a high five and said. "Well you learn fast."

James just sighed."thank you Sara you got Harry to be quiet you're an angel." Remus laughed and Sara gave James two thumbs up.

They all laughed and when lily got home she asked how it went and Sara said "good."

Flashback over.......

Could that really be Moony? Sara was never wrong. She didn't have time to think.

A shadowy figure stepped in. He went towards Harry and Sara and started doing something to them.

She didn't have time to think. She saw a bright light then she heard a woman scream. Then she blacked out.

Sara- oh no what happened?!

Emily-you'll have to wait

Ron- you're really pretty your red hair and brown eyes

Sara- there hazel like my dads

Harry-wait your dad is my dad

Hermonie- not now this is a disclaimer

Draco- we are all owned by J.k. Rowling

Sara-except for me I'm owned by Emily

Draco- I don't like how are life is in Emily's balance

Hermonie- why are you here Draco

Draco- don't talk to me you filthy little..

Emily-don't you dare have that language in my disclaimer

Ron- I thought this was a chat room

Snape- vote and comment

Draco- no one wants you here Snape

Snape- how dare you Draco 10 points from gryffindoor

Ron-Draco you..

Emily- okay everyone out now or I'll kill you in my book

Thanks for reading

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