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Rose rolled her eyes as Killian followed after her and Emma.
"Would you go away!" She complained and he smirked.
"What's the matter love am I too hot for you?" He asked and she rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Yep that's exactly it! Now go put George in jail or whatever it is you do!" She snapped sarcastically.
"Can I borrow a kiss love I promise I'll give it back." He whispered and Rose scowled.

"Hardy har my neice is right here so if you could oh I don't know beat it!!!" She complained trying to pull Emma away.
"Do you have a map ?" He asked causing Rose to turn around and raise an eyebrow at him
"What?" She asked and he grinned slyly.
"Because I keep getting lost in your eyes." He exclaimed wiggling his eyebrows and Rose groaned.

"Are you guys flirting?" Emma asked.
"No!" Rose yelled at the same time Killian answered
She rolled her eyes and Emma laughed.
"Can't I follow you home love my parents always told me to follow my dreams." He whispered softly.

"How about I knock you out then you can dream all you want?" She asked bitterly and he chuckled lightly as he shook his head.
"Wow! You're truly amazing dear Rose." He laughed

"And you're a total pain in my backside dear Killian!" She snapped and Emma laughed again
"I think he's Charming." Emma giggled and Rose rolled her eyes.
"No your dad is charming, he is corny!" She grumbled grabbing Emma's hand "now let's go before your mom hunts us down and kills me." She insisted pulling her towards the apartment.

"Aw scared of your baby sister are you?" He asked and Rose froze.
"No I'm not, but I think she's been through enough today so I'm going back to the apartment !" She hissed and Emma grinned.
"Why don't you come with us?" Emma offered and Rose groaned and Killian smirked.

"Why I'd be honored that you miss swan." He fake bowed and Rose sighed.
"Let's just get this over with." She grumbled.

**********time laps**********

Rose knocked on the door loudly and desperately.
"Are you trying to avoid me?" Killian asked and she turned glaring at him.
"How could you tell?" She asked as Red opened the door.

"See Snow Emma's with Rose." Red yelled as Emma ducked into the room.
"Hey Rose do you know what this shirt is made of ?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.
"I donno what's it made of Killian?" She asked in a dull tone.

"Boyfriend material." He said with a sly grin and Rose sighed and Red groaned. Snow frowned as Rose took a handful of his shirt.
"Really because it looks like its made of a cheap and clingy material to me" she retorted and Killian smirked.

"Touche love touche." He laughed as she sat down.
"Emma come here sweetie." Snow whispered and Emma walked over to her.
"Yeah?" She asked as Snow pulled her onto her lap.

"You had a birthday while you were in a coma so here's your Birthday present from your father and me." She explained handing Emma a brightly wrapped package. Emma smiled brightly as she stared at the package.

"Thanks!" Emma exclaimed as she began to gently pull of the wrapping paper. Her eyes shined happily when she pulled out a red leather jacket.
"Awesome! I always wanted one of these thanks mom,dad, ...Neal." She exclaimed hugging it to her chest Snow smiled kissing her cheek.

"We're so glad you like it Em." She whispered and Emma smiled as Red handed her another package decorated in red dogs.
"This is from Granny and me." She whispered smiling and Emma smiled as she began to unwrap it.

"Oh wow! Thanks so so much Granny! Red!! " she exclaimed and Red grinned
"You're welcome kiddo." She exclaimed happily as Emma tried on the hand knitted beanie.
"Here Em." Rose said offering Emma a rather longish box.

"Oh cool!" Emma exclaimed pulling out a small sword just her size. "Dad you have to teach me how to use it!" Emma exclaimed and David smiled brightly.
"Of course sweetheart." He exclaimed as Snow gently took it from her and placed it into the box.

"Uh yeah lets just be careful, okay." She whispered and Emma nodded as she carefully laid it on the ground. Killian grinned holding out a small package.
"For you princess." He offered and Emma grinned taking it from him.

All of the adults watched as Emma frowned down at the box.
"What he get you Emma?" Snow asked and she held up a pregnancy test.
"A pregnancy test?" She whispered and David scowled.

"And just why on earth would you give my twelve year old daughter a pregnancy test!?!" He asked and Killian smirked.
"Well I figured she would need it since she has so many young suitors after her." He winked and Emma's face went bright red.

"Uh what I don't " she buried her face in her hands as Snow yanked the pregnancy test from Emma's hands.

"Thanks so much but you can just take this back." She ordered and he chuckled pulling out a different box.
"Here you go lass its a real gift." He offered and Rose swiftly took it.

"What is it?" She asked and he laughed.
"It's for Emma." He teased and Emma slowly took it and turned her back to everyone as she opened it.
"Oh its a necklace." She exclaimed holding up a Swan necklace and Killian winked at her as a competitive knocks sounded on the door.

"I'll get it!" Emma exclaimed rushing to the door.

To Be Continued...

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