This is Me

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Snow swiftly opened the door to the apartment and ushered her family inside.
"But it's only eight thirty!!!" Emma complained, they had stopped at Granny's and had dinner and stayed and talked until seven.

"Emma don't push me go get ready for bed." Snow insisted and Emma frowned.
"I am not a baby!" She snapped but stomped upstairs none the less.

Snow sighed kissing David on the lips.
"You go check Emma and I'll put Neal to bed." He offered and Snow smirked slyly.
"Uh huh." She whispered and he frowned.
"You're only picking Neal because he's easier." She accused and David smiled wryly.

"I never said that." He whispered and she rolled her eyes as she started up the stairs.
"Mmmhhmm Charming?ha I should have called you chicken !!" She joked making David chuckle.

Snow knocked once then opened the door. A small smile graced her face when she saw Emma sound asleep on the bed half dressed.
"Not tired hmm?" She asked and Emma looked at Snow eyes still closed partly.
"I'm...awake." She yawned as she curled onto her side and Snow smiled gently.

"Whatever you say darling." She whispered and Emma grunted in response and Snow smiled as she helped Emma into her pajamas and under the covers. She kissed Emma's forehead and retreated back downstairs.

David was sound asleep next to her as she crawled in bed next to him and smiled contently as she let sleep overtake her.
Creak,thump,creeeeak, thump,creak, thump thump
This consistency of sounds is what woke David from his slumber. He sat up groggily looking at his wife who was sleeping peacefully.

He frowned as the odd sounds Continued. He slowly slipped out of bed and started through the small apartment.
Creak, thump, creak, thump,creak ,thump,creak,thump

He frowned walking a little faster. He turned the corner and saw Emma sitting in the rocking chair, her back was to him.

 He turned the corner and saw Emma sitting in the rocking chair, her back was to him

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The room seemed to shift, grow darker and larger.
"Emma?" He asked softly as she chuckled darkly making him shiver.
"Hello father." She whispered her eyes seemed to glow in the light, and lightning flashed behind her, illuminating her face for a moment. David shivered as she stood from the rocking chair making it thump loudly against the floor.

"Emma are you alright?" He called and Emma chuckled again as she stepped in to the light. David let out a gasp of shock, Emma's face was turned up in a villainous smirk and she wore all black in a very skimpy outfit,but she looked older... Around fourteen or fifteen.

   "Oh I'm better than alright I'm just simply splendid

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"Oh I'm better than alright I'm just simply splendid." She exclaimed with a sly smirk and David frowned.
"What's happened to you?" He questioned and Emma laughed so wickedly that David felt like he was back in the enchanted forest with Regina as the evil Queen.

"What's happend is I have embraced the darkness, I can feel the power coursing through my veins and it's all thanks to magic and let me tell you something pop" she leaned in close to David's face with a sickening grin," not you or anyone else is going to take this power away from me, I'll see to that!" She snapped shoving her hand into David's chest.

"No no I'm sorry! No!" David murmured
"Dad?" David heard Emma's voice drifting through his head.
"David what are you doing?" Snow asked and David opened his eyes to see Snow leaning over him. He sat up realizing he was at the bottom of the stairs.

"What's going on?" He asked and Emma came into his view and he relaxed seeing her still twelve years old and wearing her star printed pajamas.
"Emma heard you yelling down here and found you at the bottom of the stairs." Snow explained and David frowned thoughtfully.

"How'd I get down here?" He mumbled remembering his dream his shivered as he stood. "What time is it?" He whispered and Emma yawned softly
"It's four o'clock in the morning!" She complained and he frowned.

"Let's all go back to bed." Snow offered and Emma nodded racing up the stairs with out having to be told twice.
"What did you dream about?" Snow asked softly when Emma was out of ear shot.
"Nothing important." He lied and Snow frowned but nodded as she headed to the bedroom.

"Emma's never learning magic." David whispered to himself with a shutter. "I'll see to it !" He mumbled.

To Be Continued...
I know this chapter was dry but the next one is gonna be fabulous I promise 👌 so please tell me your thoughts 😝I'd love to hear them ✌ until next update

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