Travels with once upon a time

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travels_with_ouat asked me a question

travels_with_ouat asked me a question

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and my answer is

I'd have the ring on a necklace around my neck of course so I'd grab the book throw a chair through a window and jump through it but if worst came to worst i'd save the ring because Henry is the author now he can always write a new book

But I'm going to write it in first person from Emma's POV: so I hope you all enjoy this little chapter thingy :

I looked around the burning building, smoke was everywhere and I felt hazy so I had to cover my mouth with my shirt as I crouched down to avoid the fumes.

Everything was either smoking or burning quickly. I swiftly reached out and grabbed Henry's book off the table and I was crouching by the window when my necklace with Killian's ring broke and it rolled across the floor.

I panicked, throwing the book out the window, not really caring about the outcome, since Henry was the author he could always write another one. I dived for the ring as I grabbed the chain making the ring roll faster.

I crawled after it trying to avoid the hot fire and metal. I had just wrapped my hand around the hot ring when I heard a sickening cracking sound, so I swiftly picked up a burning chair and threw it out the window.

I started crawling out the building when the roof collapsed,so I threw myself onto the fire escape and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I had just reached the ground when the whole flipping building collapsed.

"Emma!" My mom yelled and I smiled holding up the ring with a smile.
"I'm fine." I promised as I put the ring on my necklace feeling relieved,and I grinned when I saw Henry clutching his book with a relieved smile.

Okay guys I hope that was enjoyable just my answer to travels_with_ouat 's question I hope you all enjoyed it

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