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Emma quickly slapped the knife from Lizzie's hands

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Emma quickly slapped the knife from Lizzie's hands.
"What were you doing?" Emma asked kicking the knife away. Lizzie scowled deeply.
"Isn't it obvious Savior, not everyone has something to live for!" She snapped and Emma frowned sympathetically.

"Lizzie, you have a father here and a half brother and sister and step mother. If you would just let them in I'm sure they would take you in." Emma whispered and Lizzie laughed but it wasn't sly or cocky, it sounded broken and painful.

"Would they? I'm just a broken basket case, who no one wants and they never ever will." She whispered and Emma frowned when she saw tears falling down Lizzie's cheeks.

"Lizzie -"
"Just go Emma ! How could someone as perfect as you even begin to understand my pain? Just get out!!" She snapped turning towards the wall and Emma sighed but slowly left,locking the door behind herself.

After Zero had seen Sabrina die he had told Ducky he just wanted to be alone for awhile. So here Ducky stood in the middle of the park, hands stuffed in her pockets, all alone.

She sighed sadly, maybe she just wasn't meant to be loved it seemed as if whenever she opened her heart to love it was ripped from her grasp.
"Why do you even try darling?" Zelena asked leaning against a tree in the park.

Ducky looked up sharply and frowned slightly.
"Why do I even try what?" She asked her voice remaining gentle, which irritated Zelena slightly.
"To love I mean when has anyone shown you love? It doesn't matter that you're beautiful now because you'll always be the horribly ugly little monster that no one loves." She snapped and Ducky smiled which confused Zelena.

"I'm very sorry you feel that way Zelena, but I believe that I have changed." She informed her calmly and kindly. Zelena looked even more irritated when she smiled an idea striking her.
"You know I'd say you had a face that only a mother could love but then again even she didn't love you!" She taunted.

"Zelena whatever insult you throw at me I'm sure I've heard it." Ducky told her gently and Zelena smirked.
"Well ugly duckling, maybe Emma was right you are stronger than you look." She spat and she smiled at the way Ducky flinched at the nickname. "But then again maybe she's wrong maybe all you are and ever will be is a worthless ugly duckling." She whispered and Ducky sucked in a sharp intake of breath.

"Please stop, I've never done anything to you." She whispered her strong voice lowering in volume and strength.
"You right but then again you never did anything to those kids in the village either now did you and they still were awful to you." She taunted and Ducky's eyes began to water.

"All you ever do Ducky is bottle your anger over and over again until you eventually break. Well my dear I can help you get rid of all of that anger, all you have to do is drink this potion." She offered it out to Ducky who looked at it hesitantly.

To Be Continued...
Hey guys what do you think Ducky will do?

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