One Whole Year

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hey readers :) so this is my first PROPER story, and ill try and upload chapters as often as i can. i would love you're comments, so i can include your input in the story. maybe vote too? this is really just a starter chapter, it'll get interesting soon. please comment, fan and vote. BTW, i also need someone to pick a name for some new characters!

love and peace! xox whatatwat 

One Whole year.

Chandra Diwali's Point Of View

Lets face it. Everyone hates school. The smell of sweaty classrooms, the horrible food and the nasty communal bathrooms. I guess that’s the reason my parents sent me to St. MacKillop. The most prestigious of boarding schools, you needed to have one of two things to be accepted; an I.Q over 180 or a massive bank account. Of course, I didn’t really get in because of hard work, my parents happened to enjoy forcing me into torturous education.  I was not looking forward to this, because who goes to boarding school when they are 17? Pulling up to the front gate, I realised this was no ordinary school. I could see past the hedges into a garden containing a waterfall and a huge space of flowers. Walking into the reception, I was in awe.

“Hello lovely! Here for the first time?” I looked to the voice and found It coming from behind a desk. A chubby lady with rosy cheeks and a scarily happy smile is staring at me with a helpful look.

“Um, yeah. My names Chandra Diwali, I’m supposed to be staying in lilac dorm?” I say uncertainly.

“Oh yes, hello Chandra! I’m Ms Flora. I’ll just check…yes, yes, you’re in lilac dorm, I’ll just get your room key…” she stands up and wanders out the back. I stand their aimlessly for a few minutes, and then the door swings opens and a tall, skinny girls with bouncy blonde hair and giant sunglasses opens the door. She has a big tote bag tucked between her arm and is holding her cell phone with the other.

“No, Cody, I will not go long distance. Why not? Because I don’t have to do what you say! That’s why! And honestly, your feelings don’t matter, and I was sleeping with Jake. No, I’m not lying.!” She pulls the phone away from her ear and screams into it “BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO MONEY!” she slams her phone shut and drops it in her bag. She notices me staring and pulls a mean face.

“Can I help you?” she asks rudely.

“Um, no I was just… I’m Chandra.” I say and hold out my hand.  She looks down at it as if it would bite.

“It’s Cleona. Or Cleo, for short. And I’m not shaking that.” She smiles pityingly and pulls out her phone and starts texting. I stare gawking at her and then turn my attention back to Ms Flora.

“Well, lovey, here is your dorm key, and this is a map of the grounds.” She places a pink card and brochure on the counter. She notices Cleo in the corner and focuses her attention on her.

“Miss Cavalier! You didn’t tell me you’d arrived! Is there anything I can get you?” she says hurriedly

“Yes. An iced tea. Now.” She says barely glancing. I walk away, realising my presence is hardly needed. I study the map and step into the sunlight. My dorm is situated in the middle of a cul-de- sac with dorms on either side. As I’m driving around the area, I notice the ‘dorms’ the look about the size of a suburban house. I notice a sign pointing to a street reading ‘violet lane’. I turn down the lane and squint at the letter boxes trying to find lilac dorm. The first one reads ‘orchid dorm’. There are three boys out the front throwing a football around, and another sitting on the stoop reading sports illustrated. The next house is ‘Rose dorm’. This dorm has a cobbled path leading up to the house lined with roses, and a white Lexus parked in the driveway. A brunette girl wearing a floral knee-length skirt and a light pink cardigan is leaving the house with several books tucked under her arm. The next dorm is finally mine. The drive is already filled with cars, so I park on the side of the road.  I pull my bags out of the trunk and walk up the path to the house. I look around the yard, and notice a black jeep with the passenger door still open and discarded maccas wrappers strewn all over the  seat and floor. I continue walking up the path and nearly trip over an eighties bicycle with a flowery basket on the front. I push it away with my foot and swipe my dorm card. The door clicks open and I almost walk straight into a girl with white blonde hair doing yoga three steps in front of the door. She falls over in surprise and jumps up. I look around the room and I am blown away. A girl with a black bob cut with blue streaks is playing guitar hero in the middle of the room, and is head banging on top of the sofa. Another girl is making out with a boy who looks like he belongs at orchid dorm. The girl has medium length brown hair and is wearing a tight stripy top. Another girl in the corner is cleaning the windows, and has a light pink blouse on with a grey pencil skirt. They all turn their heads and look up, except for the girl making out. The hippy looking girl jumps up and envelopes me in a hug.

“Namaste! I’m Ingrid!” she says warmly, releasing me from her hug. I step back a little bewildered by her open friendliness.

“Hey man! I’m Ramona, but everyone calls me ray. Welcome to lilac!” says the girl with the blue streaks, she slaps my hand and then returns to her game. The small, pale red haired girl comes over next.

“Hi, my names Chandra. “ I say back at them both.

“Hello, I am Antoinette Clarre. It is nice to meet you.” She says softly, and returns back to her cleaning. She has a strong French accent and seems very shy.

Ingrid grabs my bag and beckons me inside.

“Let me show you around, Chandra. So where have you come from?” asks Ingrid

“New York City.” I say

“NEW YORK?! Really? What do your parents do?” she asks excitedly

“My dad’s a producer and my mum is a pro-bono lawyer.”

“Wow, that’s amazing! And here I was thinking my parents were cool for being Middle Eastern music players and agony aunt in the local paper!”

“Middle Eastern music players?” I ask, confused.

“Well, my dad lives in a caravan by the ocean and plays music to the sea gods.” She says cheekily.

“Ahh…cool? So where are you from?” I ask

“California. Huntington beach.” She says dismissively

“Awesome, it must be fun to live near the sea.” I say

“It’s not when you’re parents are constantly fighting over your custody.” She says sadly.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” I begin but she interrupts me.

“No, no, let’s not. So, this is your room.”

“Cool. So, tell me about the other girls.” I ask, curious.

“Well, let’s start with Ray. She has MEGA rich parents, they own a company which make tyres and her parents own several dealerships too, so that’s why she has such a nice car. She may look kinda emo, but it’s just more the fact she likes dark colours. Antoinette is so shy, and her parents own a vineyard in Roussillon in France, and she’s been here since she was 13. She may seem stuck up but she is really just insecure. She has an older sister, Anastasia, who is a spoiled brat as far as I can tell. "

“What about the girl with the boyfriend?” I ask.

“Hah! That’s a laugh! Amber doesn’t really do boyfriends, she just kisses and moves on…well, sometimes more than kissing. “She giggles and continues her sentence “she isn’t a slut, she just loves teasing the boys. It’s not like we have a shortage of deliciousness!” this completely cracks her up and she bends over barely able to breathe. I open the door to my room and peer inside. The walls are an off-white colour and the carpet is a light purple. The room contains only a double bed, wardrobe and a nightstand. I dump my bags down and start unpacking. I may have only been at MacKillops a few hours, but I knew I would like it here

One Whole YearWhere stories live. Discover now