Thank goodness for Shiva

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you guys are awesome :') keep readin, fanning and commenting!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo morgan ^.^

Chapter eleven

Shiva Diwali’s point of view

I can’t believe this. Here is this beautiful young girl, smart and sure of herself, faced with a problem like this. It was obvious from the minute I laid eyes on her, I knew she was troubled. Her shoulder length dark brunette hair looked like it hadn’t a proper comb in weeks, she had dark circles under her eyes and her fingernails had been bitten down to tiny, red, painful looking stumps. Her voice is happy, but in a fake way. Riley and Marcus didn’t seem to pick up on her false enthusiasm for the conversation.

To make matters worse, the last words that have left her mouth leave me feeling stunned.

“I think I might be pregnant…”

My mind instantly turns to my maternal instincts. What if this were Chandra? What would I do?

“Lets go to the hospital.” I grab my hand bag and grab a spare piece of paper and scribble a note about Amber being sick and having to run her home, not to worry, enjoy the rest of their evening.  I leave my phone number in case they need to call me. Amber stands up and shuffles out the door, her face sad and sullen. I rush out to the car and press the unlock button of my silver Chrysler. Amber jumps in the passenger seat and we head off towards the hospital. At first Amber sits staring stonily at her hands until I break the silence.

“Why do you think you’re pregnant?”

She keeps staring at her hands, but eventually looks up.

“I haven’t had my period in over 1 ½  months.” She answers flatly.

 “So when did you last sleep with Mr. cavalier?”

“About two and a bit months ago, and I last slept with riley four weeks ago. It could be either of them.” At this point she starts crying desperately, her tears spilling on to her red dress. Unable to respond to this, I concentrate on driving. When we finally reach the hospital I stop the car and stay silent for a few minutes, me clutching the wheel, Amber still staring at her hands.

“Do you want me to come in?” I ask precariously.

Amber nods in approval and gets out hastily. She hurries off and Is nearly at the entrance by the time I catch up to her. We see the receptionist and take a place in the waiting room.  We only wait for 2 minutes or so before the specialist ushers us into her office.

“Hello, what can I do for you two ladies today?” she smiles broadly whilst tapping on her computer.

“I think I’m pregnant. “ Amber answers sadly.

“Ok, so are you coming to confirm the pregnancy?” she asks, still smiling.

“Sort of.” I start explaining.

“Amber was a victim of sexual abuse 10 weeks ago and then later had sexual intercourse with another boy four weeks ago. We are pursuing legal action against the man so we would like to know who the father might be. “I finish.

“I want to know if I need to get an abortion.” Amber says flatly.

“Well, you might want to think-“The nurse starts

“No. I’m not carrying a Rapists baby.  No way in hell.” She says, anger in her undertones.

“Well, there is a moveable ultrasound so... Are you her mother?” she asks pointedly at me.

“Yes,” I answer even though I’m obviously not.

“I’ll just go and get the machine, won’t be a second.” She says leaving the room to Amber and myself.

“Why did you lie to her?” she asks me.

“She wouldn’t have let me stay otherwise.” I answer, giving her a small smile. She returns it with a small smile of her own. The nurse walks back in the room, and sets up the machine. She instructs amber to lie down on the bed and raise her top up. She squirts the aqua gel on her stomach a slowly and cautiously moves the device along her lower belly. Back and forth she goes, not moving her eyes away from the fuzzy blue screen. I can see Amber’s impatience growing by the second.

“Am I pregnant or not?” she snaps.

The nurse lifts the device off her abdomen. She sits on her chair and faces Amber.

“Amber, you are…”

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