Real men don't make threats

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hope you guys are excited! the murder is just around the corner ! and im sorry the chapters arent that long, but i hink i make up for it by uploading frequently :) happy reading!

Amber’s point of view

I am absolutely positively smitten. Riley is possibly the best boyfriend in the world. I haven’t told the girls we are officially dating, but I’m guessing they’ve already clued in. He is so great because we don’t talk about my secret, and even though I can see in his eyes all he wants to do is know me, he doesn’t push it. Sometimes, I will just break down in tears, and is always there to help me.   He even helped me with Cleo’s torture. Sure, so we got a week of detention for fraternising on school grounds, but that’s an extra 30 minutes a day I got to spend with him. I turn to look at him, and his face is crinkling with laughter from the show we are watching. He sees me looking and turns.

“Whats the matter angel?” he asks, concern inn his tone.

“Nothing. You are amazing, you do realise?” I smile

“So are you.” He replies, kissing the top of my head.

“I’m going to get changed.” I say, reluctantly standing up.

“I’ll come.” He says, grabbing my hand. I smile and lean into him.

“You two are simply sickening, like tweedledum and tweedledee.” Ramona gags

“Don’t be too loud, I don’t want to hear you two mating, I’m trying to eat my in between breakfast and morning snack – snack.” She says huffily.

I sigh internally, and I can see Riley’s face drop a little. Even though he won’t admit it, he really wants to do ‘it’, but he never asks me to. I wrap my arm around his waist and start walking up the stairs.

“Oh, babe, I have to check my emails, mum wants to know if I’m going to ever reply to hers.” I say.

“You haven’t talked to her since you got here?” he says, shocked

I shrug and open my bedroom door. He walks into the room and flops on the bed. I sit down and unlock my laptop and enter my email digits. There were a few mediocre ones from friends, several desperate ones from my mother and another more shocking one.



I still haven’t forgotten. You owe me one more time or sh*ts gonna happen to you. You cant get away with sleeping around and not paying the price you little sl*t.

I click on the attachment below and open a thirty second video of me lying on the floor naked, tears streaming down my face. There is no noise, and all I can look at is my face, covered in pain, hurt, fright and abuse. I immediately start sobbing. I thought this was over?! Riley jumps over and pulls me into his arms.  

“Amber, what’s wrong?” he asks pulling me onto his lap.

“Its…going…to…happen!” I start sobbing even louder.

“What is baby?” he asks, then I feel his body stiffen.

“Did he send you that?” he asks, anger in his voice.

“What if he kills me? Riley I’m so scared! What do I do, why he is doing this?” I start babbling.

“Shhhh, it’s going to be alright baby, I’m going to fix this, calm down.”  He says soothingly. Sit up off his lap.

“How?” I whimper

“I’ll figure out something… in the meantime, get changed, have a shower, and relax. I will handle it.” He says, wrapping me in hug. I slide my arms around his torso, and trace his spine with my finger. He shivers, and I kiss him on the nose.

“You mean so much to me…” he whispers. I answer him by softly kissing him, and wrapping my hands around his neck.

“I’ll go have a shower.” I answer, slowly and unwillingly sliding off his lap.

Riley was right, the shower was amazing, and in a way it felt like I was kind of washing away the dirty feeling I got whenever I thought of that hateful man.

When I walked back in my room, he was talking on the phone with a happy look on his face.

“Tomorrow night? Sounds good. See you later dad.” He hangs up.

“Guess what babe?” he says excitedly

“I dunno. Tell me?” I ask, trying to match his enthusiasm but failing.

“Tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with my dad, who is a lawyer, and Chandra’s mother who is also a lawyer. “He says, barely able to contain his excitement.

“Cool.” I say unemotionally

“Babe, do you know what I’m saying? We’re going to sue Mr. Cavalier!

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