The average breakfast

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sorry guys, just a really short one :) a big interesting one soon


Chandra’s point of view

I can’t believe one moth has passed, it’s all gone past in a blurry haze. Life has been a mixture of school work, parties, boys and more school work. I really like the girls I’m dorming with, they are honest, wonderful and funny. Each passing day with them brings loads of happy memories. Although everyone is really outgoing, they all scuttle around like they’ve got secrets. For example, sometimes you’ll walk past Ambers room and hear her tearfully talking to riley, or the way Ingrid slips out of the house without telling anyone. Even Sasha, from rose dorm, can be seen sneaking out from my window. Its interesting how such open- minded people can be closed about what they really want.

“DON’T. STOP. THINKING ABOUT TOMORROW. DON’T STOP. IT’LL BE HERE. IT’LL BE HEEEEEERE, BETTER THAN BEFORE. YESTERDAY’S GONE. YESTERDAAAAAYS GOOONE!” Ramona yells from the bathroom. I can hear a banging and Antoinette yelling in French. Ingrid pushes my door open.

“Are you up? She asks groggily. I yawn.

“I am now.” And smile in response.

“Breakfast.” She groans and shuffles away.

Walking into someone dining room at 6 am, you wouldn’t expect it to be lively, but not here at lilac dorm. Already, everyone is awake (thanks to Ramona’s terrible soprano). Antoinette is mixing a batch of waffles in the kitchen, Amber and Riley are snuggling on the couch watching television and eating fruit loops, Ramona is eating a huge plate of bacon, egges, toast, baked beans and pancakes, and Ingrid is unenthusiastically eating a bowl of cut up melon.

“Morning !” I say. Everyone looks up and smiles, except for Ingrid who stares dully into her bowl.

“What are your plans for the weekend?” Antoinette ask from the kitchen.

“Dunno. Why, what are you doing?” I ask back.

“Oh, theres going to be this huge party at Rose dorm. I got invites, you guys wanna come?” Antoinette asks  the whole room.

“Hell yes!” yells Ramona from the table.

“I’m in.” says Riley

“If Riley’s going then so am I.” Amber chimes in.

“Uurgghhhmmm.” Agrees ingrid.

“ I suppose I’ll go” I answer politely

“This is gonna be EPIIIIIIIIC!” screeches Ramona “ whose party is it anyway?”

“Umm….” Antoinette trails off.

“Oh my god. Its Cleo’s party isn’t it?” asks Amber angrily.

“Yes, but there is going to be heaps of other people… are you still coming?” Antoinette answers.

“Fine. But if she insults me even once, I’m gone.” Says Amber.

 “Fine.” Answers Antoinette

“What time does it start?” I ask

“8 o’clock.  But I’d turn up later.” She replies.

Suddenly, this once dull weekend now became interesting.  

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