don't have too much fun

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holy hell! 3 more reads and it will be one hundred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*

thank you :')

btw; this chapter i the biggest one evaaaaarrr! (1,113 words! :O)

Chapter 8

Ingrid steins point of view

I’ve been to many parties in my seventeen years of life.  Going away parties, birthday parties, frat parties and even a hens night. But, never, ever had I been to a party like Cleo Cavaliers. There were drunk people, half-naked people, people smoking what looked like marijuana, people breaking things, even people who were normally shy and quiet were dancing on tabletops. Ramona was in her zone.

“WOOOOHOOOO!! Par-tay tiiiiiiiime!” she yelled before running off the bouncy castle in the corner of the yard.

“has anyone seen Noah? NOAH HUGHES! Where are you??!” cleo yelled from the stage where the band was playing snatching the mic away.

I giggled and saw noah making out with Chandra in the middle of the pool. Wow, Chandra sure was risking her life, stealing the queen bee’s latest conquest.  They hardly noticed Cleo, they were having too much fun. And, I must say, it is was great to see Cleo not having fun at her own party.

“Ingrid! There you are!” said Amber, walking up behind me. Of course, Riley had his hand snaked around her waist and tucked in the back of her jeans.  I’m not sure why Amber hasn’t told us she is in a relationship. Its weird, she is the last person I would expect not to brag about it. What is also weird about it is that they haven’t had sex. Now, I’m no eavesdropper, but usually you can hear amber screaming, and now all you hear is, well, nothing. Except, Chandra being the closest to her room, swears she can her crying to Riley at night.

“So, why are two so happy?” I ask they look at each and smile. And smile. And smile.

“Ummm…hello?” I say, waving my hand in front of Rileys face.

“Oh sorry! Um yeah we’ll do whatever it was you asked.” He smiles back at amber and they walk off together.

What is the point of having a conversation with them anymore?

“Ditched by your friends?” says a low husky voice behind. I spin around and meet the eyes of a six foot, blonde hair and blue eyed boy.

“Hey Trent! Hows it going?” Trent Fallow is Ramona’s best friend from her hometown of Petersburg, Virginia. They played little league together, their parents were friends, played basketball in high school and have been best friends since they could talk .Everyone knew that he had the biggest crush on her, well, everyone except Ramona. She remained oblivious to the fact that he totally and utterly adored her, she saw him as more of a brother than anything.

“Have you seen Ramona?” he asks wistfully

“She’s either on a tabletop, or dancing somewhere random.” I answer non-committedly

“Qweet. I’ll see you round.” He smiles, pats me on the shoulder and walks off.

Not long after he’s left someone else taps on my shoulder.

“Have you seen Trent?” Ramona yells out. She is holding a can of beer with some glowsticks attached to her arms.

“He was just looking for you, I think he went to the buffet.” I answer.

“Sweeeeet! Wanna beer?” she asks holding out her can and burping at the same time.

“How many have you had?” I ask curiously.

“I don’t know, 10 maybe? She replies.

“I gonna go find my bestiiiiieeee!!” she yells loudly.

I shake my head at her utter stupidness, and then someone else taps me on the shoulder.

“WHAT?!” I yell.

“Jeez, sorry!” says Amber offended.

“Sorry I thought… never mind. Where’s Riley?” I ask

“Oh, he went home, he was really tired.” She replies.

“You. Skank girl and hippie.” A sharp voice demands.

Amber and I turn around and connect eyes with satan’s daughter, Cleo Cavalier.

“I’m looking for two people; Sasha Philips and Noah Hughes. Have you seen them?” she asks forcefully.

“Gee, I don’t know if I feel like helping you.” Amber replies coldly.

“Fine. But if you see them…” she trails off and stomps off to torture someone else.

“Wow, I feel sorry for Chandra!” I say, giggling.

“Why’s that?” asks Amber confused. I point to the pool and Amber starts laughing hysterically.

“That is epic!” We both stand there laughing for a second until we are interrupted by Ramona crashing into us.

“hey Ingryy and Amboo, whassup ladies?” she stumbles.

“Are you drunk?” asks Amber

“I ham not!” and giggles at her own stupid joke.

“Maybe you should go home.” Amber says, more of a statement  than a question.

“No, I wanna par-“ She finishes her own sentence by throwing up on the ground, nearly getting on my shoes.

“Heyyy, I found Ramona!” Trent comes running over. “Ohh… “ He replies, seeing the vomit on the ground. Ramona sits on the ground and starts clapping to the band playing a song.

“Shall we take her home?” I ask.

“We sure should.” Says Amber. Trent reaches down and scoops her up in his arms.

“I think I’m gonna chuck again!” Ramona groans.

“Please don’t! I’m doing something important tomorrow and I don’t wanna smell like your several lunches and eight jello shots.” Amber responds.

“Come on, drunk Ramona. We’re gunna take you home, put you in bed, and you will wake up much better…well, that’s a lie, you’ll have a huge hangover.” Says Trent, chuckling.

We walk across the Rose dorm front yard and cross over into ours. I pull out my card and swipe it, opening the door.  Trent walks in carrying Ramona, narrowly missing her head in the doorway. We all sneak past Riley’s (I mean Ambers ) room. We open Ramona’s door and flick on the lights.

“Oh gross! What the hell is that smell?” I choke out, hardly able to breathe.

Amber bends down and picks up what appears to be a squished sandwich and an apple. She immediately  drops it and gags.

“When did you last clean in here?” She asks accusingly. She nods her head in disgust.

“Antoinette would have a heart attack if she saw this. “ I snigger  

“She is having a heart attack!” Antoinette yells from behind us.

“Antoinette, we weren’t…” I start.

“Save it! None of you respect me!”  She runs to her room crying, and I turn to look at amber.

“I feel bad. What should I do?” I ask her.

“I dunno, what does drunk Ramona think?” she asks back.

We both turn around to see Ramona and Trent passionately making out.

“Jeez, everyone but me is getting lucky tonight.” I reply sadly.

“We should leave…” says Amber slowly.

Ramona answers by pointing towards the door whilst simultaneously hoovering Trents face off.

“Got it. Don’t have too much fun!”

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