23. Father

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Hi, minna! Sorry for the long wait. This chapter is dedicated to @TheActualFangirl. Enjoy! Stay awesome!

I took a moment to let her words sink in. Killua and I stood there inanimately phased as the girl named Shiki held her smile. I was the first to speak. "Fiancé?" I repeated with my head jerked back, hand on hip, raising an eyebrow to Killua.

Killua's face pasted red when he turned to me in a panic. "W-w-wait! Hold on!"

The girl moved closer to Killua, which made me clench my fists. "Kil, where have you been all this time?"

"That's right, Kil. Where have you been all this time?" I eyed suspiciously, my arms crossed and fingers tapping impatiently. I hardly doubted that Killua would ever cheat on me, let alone get married any time soon, but this girl just came out of nowhere spouting out nonsense. She seemed to know Killua, and seemed to be very close to be unashamed of the way she acted.

Killua sheepishly took two steps back with his hands raised in defense. "Yuki, Shiki and I aren't getting married. I swear."

"But we were betrothed ever since we were little kids," she pouted, wiggling her held hands over her chest side to side innocently.

"Yeah, and then it got called off when I left, you psycho," he snapped back at her. Killua's mood swung from nervous to annoyed.

"But you're back, which means the wedding's back on, right?" Despite the harsh name Killua just called her, she wasn't offended at all. In fact, she looked more affectionate of him, clinging onto his arm like a puppy with a glimmer of hope shone in her eyes, which darkened my own mood.

"Excuse me," I cut in. Shiki was snapped out of her fantasy when she turned to me with a scornful look.

"Kil, what's this servant still doing here?"

"Servant?" I was overly offended, that comment making my entire being feel small. I couldn't take it anymore. "Do I look like a maid to you?"

She unimpressively observed me from head to toe. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"To the girl who's flirting with my boyfriend, that's what!"

Shiki gasped hysterically as she took a few steps back in shock. Her expression showed as if she just saw a dog get ran over by a car. "Killua, how could you cheat on me with one of your servant bimbos?"

"Bimbos?!" I was rolling up my sleeve at this point, preparing to get violent until Killua disconnected with her.

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" His voice boomed throughout the hallway. Shiki and I were completely still, staring at Killua, who was breathing heavily with tinted cheeks. "Shiki, how many times do I have to tell you? You and I are not a couple." Killua sighed as he pinched the arch of his nose. He threw his gaze back at me. "Yuki, this is Shiki Mitsuki. The oldest daughter of a ninja assassin family." He then faced the other girl, stepping closer toward me. "Shiki, this is Yuki Sazuka. She's my girlfriend."

Shiki was completely baffled, her quivering mouth gaped opened. "I... I don't understand. When did you two meet? How did this happen? What form of assassination do you practice? Do you come from a family line of assassins as well?" She was firing so many questions at once, each previous one becoming harder to answer. I wasn't able to say a word up until Killua grasped my wrist.

"Excuse us. We need a moment of privacy." He dragged me away against my own will, leaving the poor, stunned girl behind. Could she possibly be his ex-girlfriend, or someone who had a crush on him but got turned down? She said that they were betrothed when they were kids, meaning Killua was once arranged into marriage. So Killua's family was that prestigious. So far, my chances of earning Killua's family approval of me were looking grim, as they might prefer someone else.

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