Bonus Chapter

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Hey, minna! This came out a lot later than I hoped for, but it's my birthday so to celebrate, I got you guys a gift! Just a short chapter I had in mind for the previous chapter but decided to take it out. I could've uploaded it sooner, but some parts of my draft got lost, and you know how busy birthdays can be. Real chapters will resume soon. Still adjusting to college life. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

The school bell rung, dismissing all the students in the class for the rest of the day. It was about time. I thought class would never end.  Shiki sitting behind me made me even more eager to go home than ever.

"Hey, wanna go straight to the Smoothie Café?" Lizz suggested. "I got a sudden craving for smoothies."

"Hmm... That sounds tempting, but pass. I'm grounded, remember?" I replied.

"Awe man! I forgot," Lizz said disappointed as she bent down and laid her head on the wooden surface. It was a good thing everyone left, because her tail started wiggling out.

"Might wanna tuck that in," I instructed. Lizz gave me a look and tilted her head. She probably didn't realize what I meant. How can she expect to maintain her secret if she shows her emotions through her tail so carelessly?

"Shiki, can I have your pencil?" Alluka asked as she walked to her desk. Shiki stood up with her bag in her hands, sitting on her desk.

"Can't blame you since it's so cute looking, so why not?" Shiki said as she rummaged through her bag.

Suddenly, Lizz's tail stiffened, and that was when I also noticed what just happened. We quickly stood up and I turned around. "Wait, how many times has Alluka asked you of something?"

"Hm? That's a weird question," she said oddly as she scavenged deeper into her disorganized bag.

"Just answer the question," Lizz insisted.

"Okay? Well let's see... She asked for my phone number, a hug... I would say this makes three times. I mean, who would say no to such an cutie face?" Not so cutie once you give her that pencil.

Eventually, Shiki found what she was looking for. A light green pencil with a teddy bear-shaped eraser at the end. I was at a conundrum. Should I prevent Shiki from summoning Something which could possibly kill her as a result, or let Shiki unintentionally expose Alluka's secret.

At the moment Alluka grabbed onto the pen and Shiki let go, I had to think of something quick. "Ub-da, hey look! Is that Killua over there?"

Shiki gasped as she spun around to the random direction I pointed at. "Where?!" She looked around frantically with excitement.

I checked back to see Alluka's face change. A residue of dark mist left her face bleach white, and her eyes hallow and black. Something has taken over. Lizz was in a panic, so without thinking, she took off her jacket and threw it over Alluka's head, concealing her face. I mouthed what at her ridiculous actions. In reply, she just shrugged.

"I don't see him..." As Shiki turned around, she acknowledged the unusual sudden change on Alluka's appearance. Something did not bother trying to remove or shake off the cover. She stood perfectly still and calm, like placing a blanket over a crocodile's eyes. Lizz and I just grinned like nervous idiots. "Why is Alluka wearing Lizz's jacket like that?" Shiki questioned with a raised brow.

"Oh! Um, uh... Because we don't want Alluka's soft hair to get damaged by the heat of the sun," Lizz said nervously as she delicately patted Something's head, her hand running down the fabric smoothly .

"Is this a regular thing you do?"

"Today is especially sunny," I added.

"It's like seventy degrees, and you can clearly see clouds outside," Shiki said this matter-of-factly as she pointed toward the windows showing the cloudy sky.

"Well yeah, when you look out that window. But if you look more to the windows at the other side..." I carefully turned her around to the opposite direction so that I could give Lizz a chance to fix this. Hopefully she'll take Alluka and Something somewhere else. Maybe somehow switch them back without giving anything away. "You'll see the difference."

As Shiki squinted harder to see any possible difference of the weather on either side of the building, Lizz tried coming up with a solution quick. "H-hey, Alluka! Great job on the yesterday quiz. High five!" She said this very unnaturally, but raises her hand up anyway.

"Aye," Something replied as she too readied her hand.

After that one slap across each other's palms, Shiki spun around again, irritated. "There's nothing wrong with the weather! I can sense when a storm is coming a mile away. You guys are just being weird."

"You're right, Shiki. We should never doubt your climate detecting skills. In fact, it looks like a beautiful day outside today," I said as I patted her on the shoulder.

Alluka finally moved, taking the green jacket off of her head. "Aye!" she agreed with a smile. That normal, express-filled smile with those light blue eyes. Thank goodness she came back. I was beginning to worry that that high five wouldn't count as a request.

"Awe, Alluka. Lizz's ugly jacket messed up your hair. We could do each other's hair after school, how does that sound?"

"Hmm... That sounds fun."

"Ugly?!" Lizz blurted. "It's our school's uniform! We're wearing the same thing!"

"Like I wear this by choice. And besides..." As Shiki walked out of the door while holding Alluka's hand, she flipped her long, ebony hair back. "I actually pull this look off. Maybe I should give you some fashion tips too." She walked out with Alluka, laughing in mockery.

"Why that... that..." Lizz gritted her teeth as she tightly clenched her fist. "She's gonna need a makeover once I'm done with her face."

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