12. We Have Got To Stop Bumping Into Each Other Like This...literally

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A/N; And we're back to Annabeth's Point Of View!!!
After I left Percy I found Piper, Hazel and Jason waiting by the gym entrance. "It's midnight!" Piper exclaimed. "I know, I know!" I replied as we ran towards the car.

Once we reached my house I ran up towards the door, but just as I was about to knock, Lacey swung the door open. "The boys are asleep!" She whisper/yelled and took off towards the car. Gobsmacked I closed the door and headed upstairs to the attic.
I sigh in relief as I put on my pj's and wash the makeup off my face.
Flopping down on my bed I think over the events of tonight, a smile playing on my lips. For the first time in a long time I felt really truly happy.
The next  couple of days consisted of and were pretty limited to; chores, sleep, work, and homework. School was out on Monday so we had a long weekend. Unfortunately, all long weekends come to an end.

Tuesday morning started out like most mornings. My alarm clock beeping at some ridiculous hour, Susan yelling at me, the twins still sleeping soundly in there beds. Exhaustedly, I yawned and sat up, rubbing my hands over my face before tossing the covers aside and slipping out of bed. I took a shower, got dressed, made breakfast and lunch, and drove to school...my typical morning.

Or at least it was until I opened my locker and found a note and a tiny box sitting in my locker. Curious, I picked up the pale yellow sticky note and read it.

Dear Annabeth,
I found this on the gym floor at the dance and thought that you might want it back.
From Percy
(Ps the latch was broken but I fixed it)

I gasped in shock and opened the tiny box. Inside lay the necklace that my dad had bought for me when I was only 4 years old. (If you were wondering, I've had to change the chain a few times throughout the years) How had I not realized that I'd lost it? I'll have to remember to thank him....Rereading the note, I took a look at the latch and noticed that it was indeed different. Grateful, I placed the necklace around my neck. I stood there for a moment, realizing what this could mean. However one question stands out among the many. 'Does Percy know that I'm Cinderella?'
"So he returned the necklace to your locker?" Piper asked when I was finished telling her and Hazel all about last night. I nod.
We were eating lunch in the cafeteria, and were all sharing our stories about last night.
"Wow," Hazel whispers. "Do you think he knows that it was you at the dance?" Piper questions. I shake my head, silently. I doubt that Percy realized it was me at the dance. He couldn't have. But the real question is whether or not I'm going to tell him that it was me...............
Frustrated, I sigh and put my face in my hands.
"You have to tell him," Hazel confirms. I pull my hands away from my face and stare at her blankly. Piper nods. "Hazel's right." I shrug and take a bite of my apple. "Well, Annie isn't the only one who had a great night last night," Hazel starts, switching the topic from me to her. I give her a grateful smile as Piper gestures eagerly for her to continue. Hazel sucks in a deep breath and let's it go before giving us her news. "I kissed Frank!" She blurts out. Piper and I sit there gobsmacked. Hazel blushes furiously. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Piper practically shouts. "I kissed Frank," Hazel says a little more calmly. My jaw hangs so wide that I'm almost certain that it will hit the table. Next to me, Piper's smiling widely. We're silent for a while, the shock of it all settling over us.
"What about you Pipes?" Hazel finally asks, breaking the silence. Piper smirks before saying, "I got the best deal of all." I raise my eyebrows at her, and Hazel shoots me a confused expression. "I landed myself a date for this Friday!" She exclaims excitedly. "I KNEW IT!" I yell, causing several people to stop and stare at me. I put out my hand, and Hazel reluctantly shoves a $10 bill in my palm. However, her glare melts away when we notice Piper's wide eyes and open-hanging mouth. "You bet on us?!" She exclaims. Hazel and I glance at each other. "Maybe," we say in unison. This causes Piper to glare and punch me in the shoulder. "Hey! Don't punch me it was her idea!" I complain in a child like voice. Piper looks at Hazel, her expression questioning, but Hazel just shrugs innocently. Hazel and I laugh as the bell rings, indicating that lunch is over. Oh well, at least I've got History next.
All throughout History, I struggle to pay attention. The teacher doesn't seem to acknowledge me, which I'm thankful for. Unfortunately, my thoughts seem to want to wander everywhere except History. "Ms. Chase-" the teacher starts and my breath catches. How am I supposed to explain my inability to answer the question? So, when the bell rings out, it brings a whole new meaning to "saved by the bell."

I'm just about to walk out of the class when the teacher grabs my shoulder. "Annabeth...could I speak to you for a moment?" She asks politely and I nod. 'Oh god, here comes the lecture' I think as I stand beside the teachers desk.
"You didn't seem very interested in class today...is there down thing wrong?" Mrs. Hansberry asks gently. "No ma'am" I reply with a small shake of my head. She watches me carefully for a moment before dropping her gaze. "Very well, you can go." Relieved, I thank her and exit the class as quickly as possible. However, in my rush to exit the class, I bump into someone in the hallway. I look up and feel my heart pick up the pace. Standing before me is none other then Percy Jackson. "We've got to stop bumping into each other like this...literally," he says with a boyish grin. A small laugh escapes me. "I agree." We stand there a little awkwardly for a moment before I remember the necklace. "Oh, I almost forgot to thank you for fixing my necklace," I say quietly. "No problem," he says, running a hand through his lovely messy raven black hair. "So I see you changed your mind about going to the dance," he says with a smirk. My breath catches as I try to think of a reasonable lie. "Um, actually I let Piper borrow it," I reply, with as much confidence as I could muster. (Which wasn't much) He looks doubtful but doesn't say anything. "I um better get to class," Percy says after a moment. "It was nice bumping into you Annabeth," he smirks at his attempt at a joke. I roll my eyes as he walks away. But as I watch him walk down the hall, there's a part of me that wishes he didn't leave.

A/N; @lucytwombly this chapter's for you, as I promised to try to update ASAP!

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