Chapter 1 Home

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Hello... I'm Emma Cooper a 15 year old about to be 10th grader, as you most likely thought i don't have a very good life, i try to ruin the lives of those who cause me pain without feeling a thing or most of the time just causing pain to innocent people that i take my anger out on. Here's my schedule, i get home from school pass by my dad (Micheal Cooper) beating up my mom (Stephanie Cooper) by pulling her hair and beating her face in with his knee, i go upstairs walk through all of my brothers (Jason Cooper) toys he left on the floor, stepping on his Lego's is really annoying and once i actually tripped, and finally go straight to my room, Oh! You are probably wondering about the beating part, my dad abuses my mom physically and mentally though she tells us not to get involved my brother stands up for her once in a while which gets her mad. My little brother is eight years old and goes to the elementary school ''Rivera Elementary'' 3 blocks away from my high school ''Carter-wood High.'' I go to my room then do my homework, straight ''A'' student by the way, have to look like a good girl which helps me when people accuse me of things i did commit, but everyone ignores them and thinks that they are crazy. Then right after i'm done with my homework i go right onto my computer and look for pathetic 6 year old's on the internet on social medias like Facebook, Instagram or even online games, that i can take out all my anger on by making fun of them or making there life seem like crap, even though it can't be worse than mines. Honestly if i didn't do this i feel like i would just go and shoot up my school, yeah that's how bad it is. My mom comes into my room with my food, i never eat with my family and probably never will, my dad is a maniac my mom is an idiot and my brother is just retarded. You might call me the freak. Not the first time i heard that and not the last so i brush those things off, i go on Facebook and stalk the girls who make fun of me at schools photo's with there idiotic comebacks like calling me a ''goody good for nothing waste of space'' when the only waste is there words cause i don't listen, but it still makes me so mad i cant even explain it i can't. I also buy information from kids at school about my ''victims'' to help me make the ''haters'' regret even looking at me. I have to feel bad for my brother, chances are ill end up calling child protective services when i'm eight-teen and take him away from my family cause he is only eight and he is already being exposed to violence (like i'm anyone to talk, but still).... Back to my reign of terror ''Hehe...'' Well i spread naked photos of my victim's across the internet as well as rumors and ruin them, some get driven to suicide but i'll get to that later. By now you might see me as a monster or a few of you may have a little pity for me, sadly that won't change things.

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