My Parents.

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It had been one month. One month since Percy's world had gone to hell. Which was ironic, considering he had just gotten out.

One month since they were killed. All of his friends. All of my family. All of the seven. All of the people who made up his life. Not even the mortal side was left unscathed.


When Percy had gotten back from Olympus, he couldn't stand it anymore. The wars had left him with nothing. With no-one. He couldn't wait to go home, forget about the Olympians and live with his mom and Paul. They were all the young hero had left. Without them he probably would have gone insane.

As he walked, he cried for the first time in months, remembering the bittersweet memories, the good and the bad. Remembering his early days at camp and time on the Argo II with the Seven. His time with the Romans and the first war (it seemed like such a small thing now). But most of all, Percy remembered Her.

He remembered Annabeth. His Wise Girl. His fiance. His soul mate.

He still couldn't say her name out loud without breaking down completely. Just thinking about her made tears stream down his face; the salt water that was once a comfort, now a curse to accompany his grief.

The teen walked solemnly to my parent's apartment; his mom was probably in the process of getting her book published, Paul was probably on the sofa right now grading grumpy student's essays, grumbling about the lack of effort and actual grammar displayed. Percy almost smiled at the thought. 

His family. The only family he had left on this earth. His sole reason left to live.

He had no idea what he'd do with my life now. His mom and Paul would want him to go to college, get a proper education, and he might, it would've been worth it to see them proud, the two greatest parents imaginable. He could become a self-defence instructor. Put his experience to a good use that didn't involve killing. Maybe he could be a marine biologist, show mortals the wonders of the Ocean. Maybe study architecture, try to complete her dream.  All he knew for certain was that he would spend the rest of my days with my parents, his family, or at least what was left of it. Who knew, maybe he'd even have a sibling some day.

If he did he would look after them, no more rocky starts like with Tyson. Nothing would ever take away the last parts of his family, not if he could help it. They would be happy and healthy or he would go to the ends of the earth to save them.

He was at the stairs now, those familiar stairs, he and his mom had moved after Gabe's 'disappearance'. They were happier here and he knew mom and Paul were planning to get a better place soon. Somewhere to start their lives together, to live in peace and happiness for many years to come.

He couldn't wait to see my mom. He hadn't seen her for months, not since Hera had kidnapped him. That felt like an entire lifetime ago. He supposed it was.

That Percy was long gone.  The last remnants of the strong leader with things to live for and happiness in his soul was hanging  by a thread. A thread made by his parents. As soon as he saw them he would hug them then thank them. They deserved so much, putting up with him for so long, and he would make sure they got it. The Fates owed them, if not him, that much. Maybe he could bare immortality if it meant he could protect them, live for them. If, when they had kids, he could spend his immortality protecting them, generation after generation. He owed them that much at least.

He sighed as he climbed the final step. He was feeling the beginnings of happiness for the first time since her death. He knocked on the door. His heart thumping in anticipation.

He waited as there was no answer. His parents were probably in bed, it was quite late.

He knocked again. His mom would be angry if she found out he had left to let them sleep through his homecoming. Silence followed.

He started to grow worried, his mom would never let the door go unanswered for so long. Even if she was asleep.

Maybe they were out. Just one more try. The knock echoed through the stairwell.

He had to see if they were in. He needed to see them and he was a God now (as much as he despised the fact) he might as well use it to get in. So he vapour travelled through the door (it felt more natural than flashing).

He wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him.

His parents. His mom. Paul. Blood everywhere. Red soaked into the carets and dripping off the walls. His mom and Paul were lying on the floor. Eyes wide open. Fear frozen on their features.


They were dead. A tear roll down my face, dropped to the floor and seemed to take an eternity to hit the floor. It fell into the blood.

The pool of his parent's blood he'd travelled directly into. It turned slightly pink when the saltwater hit it. Soft pink like a baby's blanket. The Fates were too cruel. His mother had been stabbed through her stomach. Her pregnant stomach.

The world became red and all he heard was roaring.

The thread snapped.


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