A pirate tries to interrogate me.

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Percy P.O.V

After the ogre-Dr. Banner-left I was alone for a while. Due to my ADHD I have no idea how long, it could've been the 6th age or the time it takes Hermes to tie his shoes. I was ignoring my internal clock, it's not like it mattered.

It didn't make a difference to me if they locked me in here for eternity, I couldn't die, I was already well past insane and I didn't deserve anything better.

Aren't my thoughts just sunny.

I'd progressed to contemplating how they'd go about maintaining my cell at their HQ (I'd been moved at some point, never let out of this box. I'm pretty sure they rolled it-I didn't see the point in checking) when the pirate came in. He was a tall, black man with an eye patch and matching trench coat. I mean really. How cliche can you get?

He stared at me. After five minutes I realised he was trying to intimidate me.

It was kind of cute.

Realising it wasn't working, he decided to speak.

"Mr Jackson, you've done some very bad things." I think he was expecting some sort of answer.

I blinked. It was a statement, why would I answer?

He tried again. "You're being called a terrorist."
Another statement.

Another blink.

"By some very powerful people." He added.
Blink. As if they'd be powerful to me.

"Terrorists are punished."

He huffed in frustration. "Are you going to answer me?"
He seemed angry.

Good for him.

"You didn't ask a question." Now he was definitely restraining anger.

"Do you deny it?"
"Would it make any difference?"
"Then I shall neither confirm nor deny my alleged actions." I said, bored. Styxe, I sounded like Athena or Anna-NO! I couldn't show that emotion in front of these people.

He was still talking.

"Don't you care that you'll go to prison?"

"Why would I?" I was a God after all, and an Olympian to boot. It had to have some perks.

"Most people would be begging by now." Another statement. I wasn't gonna to speak more than necessary.  I blinked again.

Apparently realising I wasn't going to give  him anything, the pirate stood up and left.

He didn't even tell me his name.

Back to being alone...

...I wonder how long it would take for this cell to decay...

Fury P.O.V

That boy.

I almost didn't know what to say.

Eighteen and thinking he knew the world. Acting as if he wasn't worried at all, as if he'd done nothing wrong.

I opened the door to the observance room, the Avengers had been watching the interrogation.

"What's your take then?"

"Arrogant little..." That was Stark, obviously.

"He's very self assured, doesn't seem intimidated at all." Romanov could be relied upon to give a reasonable assessment. Barton nodded in agreement. Thor had stormed off when we locked the boy in his cell and Banner was shuffling his feet.

"What's your opinion, Banner?" He was hesitant. I raised an eyebrow.

"His psych eval results were....troubling."
"Explain." The team were looking interested.
"Some of his answers were worse than veteran agents...much worse.... I must be wrong but....He shows signs of severe PTSD and survivors guilt and......I don't think he believes he's worth anything...and I only touched upon his mental eval." Everyone looked slightly disturbed by this news.

Stark looked up, "But he's eighteen, there's nothing he could've been through that would cause that....isn't there....?"

"I don't know."

"So, we have an eighteen year old with signs of severe  PTSD, survivor's guilt and other, less worrying disabilities, who isn't effected by any of our intimidation tactics and never says more than he needs to. He knows how to dodge questions. And doesn't seem to care what happens to him." I kept my voice emotionless. No point letting my frustration show, even through the interrogation only someone incredibly, highly trained would have been able to pick up on irritation at all.

We had to solve this boy.

We had to crack him.


Sorry it's short, but it's necessary for what happens next. I hope you liked it. :D


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