If Looks Could Kill.

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An eighteen year old had beaten the Avengers. Easily. He beat every one of them, except Thor, who refused to fight him, and Bruce who hadn't participated because they hadn't thought it'd be a 'code green'. They'd been wrong.

Fury was pissed.

"So you're telling me that an eighteen year old, a boy barely out of his childhood, beat the crap out of all of the Avengers!" If looks could kill the assembled heroes would all be 6 feet under.

Natasha imagined the face of the devil many times in my 'career', but Fury's face had always been as close as she'd gotten to the real thing. Until now, when she saw the cold look on the boy Perseus' face after telling him to go with them. She shivered despite the warmth of the room.

"He was skilled sir, more skilled in hand-to-hand than any eighteen year old-or even any highly trained assassin-should be." The SHIELD agent inhaled carefully before continuing, "We need to try again, but be prepared this time. Last time we were going in blind, this time we'll know how to approach him. We'll be ready."

Fury visibly tried to calm down.

"Thor, you said you knew of him: anything we could use?"
Thor had been quiet since they'd returned, he'd only spoken to tell them what happened and bring them back.

"No." Natasha never seen Thor act this coldly, this solemnly since Loki. It was almost worse than Fury's rage. "He told me to tell you that whatever you want with him, he isn't interested and if you try to take him again it won't. Just to leave him alone." Thor's gaze fell to the floor, he couldn't meet their eyes, "He has been through too much, he just wants to mourn in peace and get on with his life." Thor spoke solemnly. It was so unlike him they knew something was seriously wring.

"What happened to him?" Natasha had to ask.

"It is not my tale to tell, however, you should know that he has been through much. He has lost too much and if you want my advice: leave him alone to mourn in peace and if you do try to 'apprehend' him again, I will not be going with you." And with that the angry Asgardian stormed out, leaving shocked Avengers in his wake.

Clint breathed out. "What the hell was that?" 


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