Different versions of Hell.

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"Let me get this straight!" The Avengers were sitting round the table eating pie and telling stories, Tony couldn't quite process what Percy was saying, "You had races, up a climbing wall, with no harness, with lava, when you were twelve! That's seriously what you're telling me!?" 
Percy laughed, an actual laugh.

"You asked me where the burn scar on my forearm came from, that's where it came from!" He told Tony. Clint was chocking on his drink. Natasha was smirking and Thor was bellowing his approval.

Clint recovered form his chocking fit, still grinning from ear to ear.

"At least tell us you won the race, please?!" Percy's smile dropped a bit.

"Nah. I could never beat my Wise Girl, we got the the top neck-and-neck then she kicked me in the face and won." He smiled sadly, "Never bet against a Daughter of Athena." 

They smiled with him. Understanding the pain and the need to enjoy the story.

"OK, OK," They were making a game out of scars, they pick a scar and you tell the story, if you can't tell they don't push it. "Nat's turn: what about that one on your shoulder?"

She smiled smugly.

"Bogota, 2003. Some drug dealers, a cocktail dress and an allergy to shellfish. The scar's from flipping over the fence as the police turned up." 

"I don't even want to know." Stark cringed, "Sometimes I doubt whether I should let you guys into my house."

"Our house," Clint was always on the ball about this, "it's called the Avengers Tower, Stark. You changed the name." Tony stuck his tongue out at him. "Very mature."

Bruce laughed over his coffee.

"Clint! The one on you knee?"

"I'd just finished a job in Turkey and I tripped on a book in my hotel room." there was silence for a moment, then they laughed.

"World famous assassin,"
"The best of the best!"
"Felled by a wedge of paper!" They collapsed into giggles which were scarily similar to hyper teen-aged girls.

"Oi! It was a heavy book and I was tired! I'd like to see you stand right back up after being brutalised by something so horrible!"

"It was a book." Natasha deadpanned with an eyebrow raised.

"A very heavy book!" He protested.

Percy chuckled quietly in the background.

"Alright fine. Percy again, you lot are just weird. Perce, my Man!-"
"Oh Gods." Percy groaned.

"The ones on your wrists?" Percy raised his eyebrows.

"Really? You have to ask? Shackles, Tony, shackles. You know, chains, ropes,zipties that sort of thing. You just wasted a question, mate."
Tony dropped his hands on the table.

"Oh come on! I can't believe this!" Stark groaned, "You try to play a simple game and the freaking assassins and soldiers have to go and ruin it! Fine! Have it your way and brag about weapons or something!" 

"You're an idiot, Stark."
"At least I know how to conduct a conversation, Barton!"
"Boys, calm down." Natasha chided them. "We have something serious to talk about."
Tony perked up.

"Yeah! Wait, where is Steve?"

"He's getting some things." Clint reminded the wayward genius.

"OK, guuuuyys?" Percy wasn't looking happy, "Last time you lot were trying to keep something from me I ended up in a room filled with flashing light being interrogated by strangers who seemed to want to know every detail about my social life. You're not helping my nerves." He raised an eyebrow at them, "You do not want to freak out the paranoid demigod. It is not a good idea." They smirked at him.
"It's fine Percy, Steve'll be here in just a minute and he'll explain everything. OK?" Tony reassured him.
"No! Not OK. I do not like your tone, Stark!"

Percy had his eyebrows raised and was just getting up to play Tony some more (and possibly hit him), when Steve walked in.

"Spangles! Your timing is great! I was about to be made a shish-kebab by Nemo here! Tell him the plan, Capsicle!"

Steve looked at them and just sighed.

"Percy, you're seventeen, about to turn eighteen in a couple of months right?" Steve checked.
Percy's brow furrowed.

"Yeeeeaaaah...why?" Now he was suspicious.

"Well you're technically still a minor-"
"Oh, no way!"

"And you're still of high school age-"
"Captain-Steve-no! Don't do this!" Percy pleaded with the supersoldier.

"You've got to go to school, Percy." Said supersoldier remained stoic and unmovable in his conviction.

"No, I don't!" Percy protested, "I know everything I need to know! I'm independent and I can survive on my own!"
"You said it yourself at the press conference, Percy." Steve reminded him.
"Oh come on! I'm a freaking Olympian! I'm a Greek god! You're not sending Thor to high school!"

"Thor isn't a teenager." Steve stated and Percy groaned.
"I've just escaped Hell, Steve! I didn't do that just to go to a different kind!" Clint and Tony snorted and laughed from behind the arguing soldiers.

"You are going, soldier. That's final." Steve ordered. Percy's back stiffened. He did not like it when Steve used his authority like that; used Percy's training like that.

"Yes, Captain." Percy gritted his teeth and walked stiffly out, practically marching as he did.

"Well, I'd say that went really well." Tony commented.
Three cups were thrown at him.

First thing they'd agreed on all day.

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