I become a God and I still have to do tests!? Really?!!

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After the pirate left, this old man with a goatee came and acted like the whole world should bow down to him.

Percy didn't like him straight away.

"OK, kid," I'm not a kid, "I'm here to test your intelligence. So, tell me, are you smart?" The broken veteran almost snorted at this man's blunt question.

"Academically, bad, otherwise, good." Percy wasn't going to say any more than necessary. The man pretended to take notes, nodding. Pretended to be all-knowing. "Don't take me for a fool, old man." Percy's voice was steely with suppressed annoyance.

The arrogant man looked taken aback.

"What do you mean?" Percy was not amused.

"You could have easily found all of this and more by looking at my school records. So what do you really want to know?" Percy gave him his wolf stare, compared to the glares he used on a daily basis now, the wolf stare was nothing. But it scared the Styxe out of the mortal.

"I-" Percy sighed.

"You were sent to find out more about me, now you have, please leave." Brownie points! I said please. The mortal stuttered some more and stumbled out . The sad God went back to waiting alone.


"The guys terrifying! I am not going back in there!" Fury almost sighed. The 'world's mightiest heroes' were scared of an eighteen year old.

"What are we going to do about him then?" Fury seemed to consider it for a moment.

"You'll all test him in something specific, Stark has done intelligence, Barton, you'll do strategy, Captain, you do strength and hand to hand, Romanov, weapons and Banner you'll do more medical. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Barton stepped forward. "I'll go first, sir." The director nodded.

The team watched through the glass as Barton tested the kid using the computer monitors which had been set up on the walls.

"OK, kid, I'm gonna be testing your strategy so we're going to play some COD, OK?"
The prisoner nodded. Barton started to set up the game.

"One question," The archer looked up, "Why are we playing fish?" The question stopped the super spy  short for a moment.

"Call of Duty?" The 'child' still had a look of total incomprehension on his face, "Have you never played?" He asked incredulously. The teenager seemed to deem this obvious and didn't reply.

He raised an eyebrow.

"It's a war simulation game." the boy's posture instantly stiffened. "You have your character and you have to complete the mission without getting killed. Not as simple as it sounds though." The agent warned.

The young veteran seemed to consider this, then nodded slowly and picked up a controller. He didn't ask what the controls were.

Seeing as the boy had never played before and Clint was the unbeaten champion, the team figured this would be a simple test, with a very predictable outcome.

The first game went as expected: Clint won, but it was weird. The boy-Perseus-spent the entire time simply exploring the map and occasionally triggering the traps, but it seemed more deliberate than it should've been and, although he didn't kill anyone, he didn't get killed either.

Then he requested a rematch on the same map; the archer obliged, thinking it would go just like the last game.

Three games later, he was practically in shock.

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