CHAPTER 3: Welcome to Colorado

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Coach O kept his promise and showed no mercy. Even though my legs were sore and there were days when I couldn't even move out of my bed, I am thankful.

The feeling of thankfulness grows even bigger inside of me when I step out of a bus and see countless men gathering in front of an ice arena in Colorado.

"Need some help with that?" the bus driver yells from his seat, referring to my big-ass hockey bag and a duffel bag.

"I can handle it, thank you very much!" I answer and grab my stick before it falls.

When the bus drives away, I realize this is it. I really left my home, my university and my team to try my luck in Colorado, even though I have a feeling I stand no chance.

Taking a deep breath, I force my legs to make a step forward, closer to the arena. And the fear I am feeling cannot be described. What was I thinking? Those are grown up man, who probably played countless games, spent hours and hours in gyms and worked out. What am I compared to them? Sure, I do work out regularly, but their structure is something completely different than mine. Lost in my thoughts, I bump into one of the players and nearly fall back.

"Hey, watch out, man!"
"Uh, I am sorry," I start backing up, when he speaks up: "Wait a second. You don't sound like a dude."

I pull the hood off my head and smile at the stranger: "Because I am not."

He takes a step back, clearly in shock: "What is a girl doing on the tryouts for the Olympic Team?"

"The same thing like the rest of you. Trying my luck."

"Whoa, you are brave," he smiles and moves his stick from one hand to another and stretches his right arm: "Neal Broten,. And you are?"

"Kimberly Mayfield. Nice to meet you, Neal."
"Same back to you. "
"So, Neal, where do you play?"

"University of Minnesota. What about you?"
"Ah, Golden Gophers? I study at Brown University."

"That's cool! How did you find out about the try outs?"
"My coach back at the University told me about them. Actually, he offered me this opportunity. And you?"
"Well, Brooks is also a coach back at the U, so..."
"So you have a bit of advantage here?"

"Naah, not when it comes to Brooks. He never makes differences. Uh, what position do you play?"
"Left wing. Let me guess, you are also a forward?"

"How did you guess? I am center, actually."
"Lucky guess," I laugh, but my laughter dies as soon as we enter the arena. The place is full of hopeful young hockey players, waiting to be called and chatting. I've never felt more like a black sheep than right now.

"Hey, Strobel!" Neal next to me calls someone's name and turns to me: "Come on, follow me."

"Well, I don't really know anyone so... okay," I follow him to the area where a bunch of guys, wearing at least one piece of clothing with the M, is. Neal gently pulls me to his side and smiles: "Guys, this is Kimberly from Brown University."
"Broten, you got a girl," one of them laughs and smiles at you: "Eric Strobel."

"Kimberly Mayfield. And Neal and I have just met few minutes ago. You could ask differently if I am single," I wink and chuckle at Eric whose face is now dark red. The rest of his friends start laughing at him and one of them pats my back: "Got him good. Steve Janazsak, goalie."

"Hi. I am Kimberly. Left-winger. Nice to meet you."

"Brown University, uh?"

"Yeah. I guess you are a Gopher?"

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