CHAPTER 15: Recovery

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"How is Kimberly, Doc?" coach Patrick asks team doctor George Nagobads. The doc takes a deep breath before looking at coach standing in front of him.

"I will be honest, Craig, I am very concerned for her. Not only because of injury, but also because of how far could her determination bring her. I am worried those injuries are only the beginning and that once she realizes that it will be too late for her."

"What about her elbow? Will she be ready to practice?"

"Not today, no. Her injury can get worse."

"I will talk to Herb. Thank you, Doc."

"Herb, Doc said Kim's injury could get worse if she practices today."

Herb looks at his assistant for a bit before saying quietly: "I am worried about her."
"Doc said that as well. He said that she is trying too hard."
"I want my players to work hard, but what she does... it's not healthy anymore. Is there something else I should know?"

"It may be nothing, but I think she separates them. Their opinions about girl playing on men's team...they are really divided."
"Craig, I am aware of that, but honestly, do you think that's the greatest obstacle?"

Craig Patrick thinks for a second before saying: "No. I think there is much more."
"They just have to get used to it. And they better do it soon before they get sent home."
"Have you thought of who are you going to send home?"
"If the Olympic Committee doesn't get back to me soon, I am afraid I will have to send her home."

"Issues with her playing?"

"Yes. But she doesn't need to know that. Nor any of the guys, I am afraid they would tell her."

"Don't worry, Herb, what you told me stays in here."

After Herb is left alone in his office, the same one he has been using ever since he became a head coach of the Golden Gophers, he glances over twenty-seven names on the roster. Even though he won't admit that to anyone, he sometimes worries if he made the right choice and if taking the risk will pay off. He remembers he said to the Committee his plan is to beat the Soviets, but as the time to the Games is approaching, his concerns grow. He knows the team could make it, but only if he finds the right players. And so far it seems like they are not willing to become a team. It may not seem like he is knows, but he is aware of hateful relationship between young forward from Brown and to him all too familiar fighter from Boston University. Especially after that playoffs in 1976. He knows why she is trying to prove herself so much and throwing Jack or her off the team would not get the affect he wanted. Even though it may sound weird, he knows John J. O'Callahan is responsible for Kimberly's effort to become a player, worth staying on the team. And from analyzing Kim's behavior, Herb is sure there is no thing in a world she wouldn't do to make the final team. If that meant cutting her hair, he assumes she would do that. To be a bit extreme, he is sure she would completely let the tomboy part of her overtake who she is now.

His next problem is how to convince Olympic Committee to allow a talented and hardworking player like she is to participate in Lake Placid. Choosing her over one of the other guys from the tryouts was one of the riskiest decisions he has ever made. However, he still had few guys, who did not make the roster, on his mind in case something goes to hell. With one of them, Tim Harrer, he has an agreement he'd give Timmy a call if needed. He has known him for quite some time now since the six-foot tall right-winger was one of his players at the University of Minnesota. He was a good player with a great vision on the ice and an amazing ability to set up the play.

Herb knows picking the team of twenty young men will be hard, but not as hard as convincing Olympic committee to allow the girl play.


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