CHAPTER 9: Shattering Walls

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In the locker room, I pull down the rest of my gear, cringing in pain time-to-time. This O'Callahan guy can throw great punches, I give him that. But that doesn't mean I am afraid of him.

Just as I put my street clothes on, the rest of the guys come in, looking exhausted and completely worn out. Ramsey and Harrington surround me before taking their gear off: "How are you?"

"Just a bit beaten up, nothing else. What did I miss, guys?"

"Eh, nothing special, just OC getting yelled at by Herb."
"Damn it, I wish I was there to hear that."

Both guys look at me and Harrington slowly says: "Don't worry, Herb said he has to have a word with you as well..."
My heart freezes at his words: "W-When?"

"When you get changed. So I think he is expecting to see you now," Ramsey continues and looks at John, who nods his head slowly: "He is waiting for you in the office."
"Shit. Thanks, guys."

"Good luck."

I nod and slowly head out of the locker room, my gaze focused on the floor and away from the rest of the guys. Just before I step out, Broten stops me: "You want me to wait for you?"

I look up at him, at his friendly face and concerned eyes and nod slowly: "That would be great, I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all. I'll wait for you in front of the arena, okay?"

"Thank you, Neal."

If I knew him longer and if we weren't surrounded by other guys, I would hug him. He has been the sweetest guy here since the day one and without him, I would probably be lost on my first day here.

"No problem. Good luck, Kim."

I nod my head and smile, trying to conceal how concerned I am. I have been in troubles before and I know being called to coach's office usually doesn't bring anything good, but being called by Herb Brooks probably takes that to whole new level. Walking down the corridor to coach's office takes ages, but at the same time I have a feeling of time passing by way too fast. I nearly miss the door since I am so lost in my thoughts of what could possibly happen with me. Honestly, my biggest fear is to be sent home over some stupid fight I didn't even want to get in in a first place.

With a deep breath, I gently knock on a door and wait for the response.

"Come on in!"

I exhale deeply as I put my hand on a doorknob and push the door: "You wanted to see me, coach."

"Yes. Sit down, please."

Hesitantly, I sit down on an uncomfortable wooden chair, my hands underneath me to conceal how much I am shaking. Herb finally lifts his gaze and looks at me. His face is expressionless and his eyes are completely empty. My heart stops as our gazes meet and it seems like ages before he speaks up: "You do know why you are here, right?"

"Yes, coach, I know why you sent for me."

"I hope you know I won't treat you any differently than the rest of the team regardless you are a girl. And I am going to tell you exactly the same thing as I did to Jack. You can be a hell of a great player, but if you think I can't send you home because of your behavior or old rivalries, you are wrong. If you want to be on this team, your personal matter stay out of this place starting today. Are we clear?"

"But, coach... he started it, I-"
"I don't care. If you can't deal with that, I can send you home right away. And don't think I didn't tell that to O'Callahan as well. I did."

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