CHAPTER 5: Meet the Team

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A week later we are all called in the arena and seated on the seats. During this week, my relationship with Minnesotans has progressed and now I can say they are like my brothers. The one I spend the most of the time talking to, is no one else than Neal.

"Who do you think will be sent home? Neal asks me while we wait for coach Brooks to announce names on the roster. I quickly glance over the guys and lean to him.

"I hope O'Callahan will have to leave..."

"Hate to tell you that, but he is a great player. And I really doubt he'd be thrown off the roster."

"But he is an asshole!"
"A very talented asshole, you must give him that."
Unwillingly, I admit he is right. Jack is hell of a good player and he knows what he is doing on the ice. Not to mention, from what I had a chance to see during this one-week tryouts, he is willing to fight for his teammate. Probably coaches won't care how much of an asshole he is, the only thing that will matter is his ability to play, to control the puck, the game.

"I guess you are right. He is. But so are the other guys, what is so special about him?"

"Well, you did see him on the tryouts. He is fast and plays a great defense."

"But so do the others!" I exclaim a bit too loudly, making few of the guys turn around, including Jack.

Our gazes meet and his eyes remain locked with mine for a second too long before his lips curve into a smile with which he is promising me hell if I make the team. I furrow my eyebrows and return him a grin.

The chattering stops as soon as Coach Patrick and Doc walk in and stop beneath us. Coach Patrick takes a piece of paper in his hands and starts reading names.

"Jack Hughes, Gary Ross, Les Auge, Dave Delich, Bruce Horsch, Eric Strobel, Steve Christoff, Ken Morrow, Bob Suter, Mike Ramsey, Steve Janaszak, Dave Christian, Mark Pavelich, Phil Verchota, Bill Baker, John Harrington, Buzz Schneider, Jack O'Callahan, Rob McClanahan, Dave Silk, Mark Johnson, Jim Craig, Ralph Cox, Mike Eruzione, Neal Broten and Mark Wells. And that's the roster for now. The rest of you thanks for coming out."

I can feel Neal's hand on my shoulder and Jack's grin on me. least I tried. I didn't expect to make the team anyway...


A week passes and my desire to show that girl that she has nothing to do here is growing stronger and stronger. I don't care how good she is, and I am telling you, she moves puck so quick is hard to see it, she has nothing to do here.

I sit with the rest of guys from Boston University and chat loudly, but my mind is occupied with concerns of not making the team. Regardless what I said, I want this. Just like everybody else. What I said earlier about this not being important... guess I lied to myself in case I don't make it.

The entire room sinks in silence when Coach Patrick and our doc walk in, coach holding a piece of paper. When he is sure he has everyone's attention, he starts reading the names of the players off of it.

"Jack Hughes, Gary Ross, Les  Auge, Dave Delich, Bruce Horsch, Eric Strobel, Steve Christoff, Ken Morrow, Bob Suter, Mike Ramsey, Steve Janaszak, Dave Christian, Mark Pavelich, Phil Verchota, Bill Baker, John Harrington, Buzz Schneider, Jack O'Callahan, Rob McClanahan, Dave Silk, Mark Johnson, Jim Craig, Ralph Cox, Mike Eruzione, Neal Broten and Mark Wells. And that's the roster for now. The rest of you thanks for coming out."

Huge burden falls of my shoulders as I hear my name being called. I really made the team and the next step is to stay on it. To make it to the Olympics. But her name isn't called. I look over to where she is sitting and I see one of the guys from Minnesota holding her shoulder. Part of me wanted her to make the team, just to get my revenge, but the biggest part of me never wanted a girl to join the team, no matter how good she is. I grin at her and turn away from her afterwards to congratulate the rest of the guys who made the team and accept congratulations from those who didn't. Once again I look at her and shrug my shoulders with a sly grin on my face, which fades when I see how broken she looks. That Broten guy has his arm around her shoulders, apparently trying to calm her down. Okay, I will admit, I feel sorry for her, she seems like she really wished this.

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