CHAPTER 14: One Team. Two Sides

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The next day I wake up earlier and call Lauren to check up on Ali. She will probably kill me, but I have to know. I have to know how my best friend and a new captain overcame her hangover.

"Yeeeeeees?" Lauren yawns into a phone.

"Loo, it's me. Just checking how is Ali?"

"You know it's like six A.M.?"

"I know and I am sorry for waking you up, but..."
"She got alcohol poisoning. Alec took her to hospital."
Ali has never been that drunk she had to be taken to a hospital. Usually I was the one to be passed out on the couch or on the floor, but never Ali.

"Is she okay now?"
"She is fine. Don't worry. Well, since you woke me up you can tell me how are you? Excluding sweet, but mouthy Kimberly getting into fights and arguments. Any cute guys?"

"Loo!" I laugh and blush slightly. Should I tell her or not?

"Who is this special guy? Come on, he has to be really nice to replace Alec?"

It takes few moments for me to realize what she has just said.

"Kim, are you still with me?"
"What did you say about Alec?"

"Don't tell me you didn't know," she sounds surprised. I laugh a bit, letting her know she has not convinced me. But she remains serious: "I am not joking, Kim."
"Alec is a guy every girl has a crush on. And I know this may sound weird and god help me if this comes out, but Alec started talking to me only when coach O told me to try out for the team."
"You might be right. So, tell me, who is this guy? How old is he and where does he play? What is he like?"
"His name is Neal..."
"Broten. Why do you wanna know?"
"So I know what will your last name be after the university. Okay, go on. Where is he from and where does he play and is he good?"

"Too many questions! He is really nice and been helping me since the day one. And believe me, I am sure he had to go through lots of teasing and remarks in the locker room. I mean, I heard one of them accusing him before he asked me out..."
"You went out with him?"
I laugh a bit at how clearly excited she is: "Relax, Loo! He is from Roseau, Minnesota and plays for the University of Minnesota. And yes, I went out with him yesterday, he showed me around campus a bit..."
"How old is he?"

"Nineteen. Few days older than me."

Clearly satisfied with information I gave her, she chuckles: "I want to meet this guy. Has to be a score if you forget about Alec Walker."
"Loo, knock it of with Alec, nothing would ever happen, trust me. Beside, he is not really my type."

He is not enough of a fighter, I think to myself and immediately become angry at myself. The guy I was thinking about was not a calm and always caring Neal Broten, but a guy that makes my blood boil even at the thought of him.

"Whatever you say," she chuckles and continues "Hey, listen up. Coach O brought a new girl to the team for a next season. Well, introduced us to her... the point is, there's a possibility of one girl spending the entire next season on the bench. One of the senior players."
I hang onto the warning in her words. What she was trying to say was that all of us have to work harder now. After all, some of us older players want to continue playing hockey for living and that won't be possible if we will be benched most of the games.

"Are you joking?"
"Sadly, no. We tried to tell him that we all need chances, but he said he wants his best players to show their skills."
She is concerned. Going by her voice, she is really concerned. Lauren Bergam-Hill might be a great leader, but she doesn't get much time on the ice. Last season was especially tough for her since she has been injured most of the time and relied on painkillers to keep her going.

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