Nine: Nothing ever changes

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At Rover's

Sarah came back behind the counter and placed Ryan's soda next to his plate. She looked taken aback when she noticed who was sitting next to him. "Shannon?"

Shannon looked up once he heard his name and showed a weak grin. " Sarah right?"

She nodded at him smiling. "Good to see you again."

"You guys know each other?" Ryan asked from beside him. "I thought you just came into town?"

Sarah explained to Ryan how she met him with Anna at the Carnival and how Shannon was nice enough to help see the guy who got killed so that Anna and Sarah could go home safely. Shannon faked a smile and  took a sip from his drink. Ryan stared at him for a few seconds then turned away and frowned. 

"So, Shannon." Sarah leaned her arms against the counter, but keeping her back straight. "You liking town so far?"

Sarah's personality was big, and she didn't shy away from starting a conversation with anyone. She made her presence known, and it was natural to her. Yet, she was confident and responsible. Everyone wanted and hated to converse with her. 

Shannon did not meet her eyes as he shrugged. "It's not bad."

"Would you like to eat something ? We have just updated our menu for vampires." Sarah pulled the menu from under the table and placed it on the counter.

"Not today." He scanned the diner before turning to look at the menu. "But I would like to order the type O soup. For to go. I heard it's delicious."  

"Absolutely!" Sarah noted in eagerness. "Would you like to add anything else?"

"That's all sweetheart." Shannon winked before finishing his last sip. Shannon had turned to Ryan when Sarah left for the kitchen. "So you're alone here?"

Ryan looked at him in annoyance. He turned to look at the other seat empty beside him and back at Shannon. "Clearly." 

"Listen, I think you and I got on the wrong foot." Shannon said to him but it came off almost deceitful. Shannon's expression was anything but genuine. He raised his hand to shake Ryan's smiling. "Any friend of Sarah and Anna is a friend of mine."

Ryan stared at his hand with uncertainty then raised an eyebrow at him. Shannon's smile was menacing. His energy felt dark and twisted. Ryan had felt it, but now he was disgusted by him. He stared at Shannon's raised hand for a minute with suspicion before looking back at him questioning his statement. "Anna doesn't have vampire friends. Sarah? maybe. She could be trusting of your kind, but Anna would never."

Shannon pulled his hand back and gave Ryan a lopsided smile. "Really? and why not?" He appeared curious. At that moment, Shannon wanted to do only one thing; to rip Ryan's head off and move on with his night. He had been ripping people's heads, stabbing them with even a butter knife, anything that was in his reach. Ripping people's hearts with his bare hand. In Europe, for many years, that was how dark his life was. Over the smallest disagreements, someone looking at him the wrong way, a disrespectful tone; Shannon ended them fast, and made sure it was painful.

This time was different. Other than having vampire police in town, he was being vigilant. He had a mission to undertake, and he knew he had eyes on him that was more powerful than he anticipated. Shannon did not have any back up. No friends. No henchmen. No one whom he can trust. He knew that in order to get people to help him with his mission work, he needed them to trust him first. Ryan however, was someone Shannon needed to be removed from the equation. 

With Jared

Jared dropped off his jacket on the leather couch in the foyer and walked straight into the living room. He sat on the big lofty couch facing the fire place. 

Sense of death - A Jared Leto Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now