Tony goes back to high school

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Ella's POV

Summer was finally over, and with its time ending, so were my vacations over at the Avengers.

I tiptoed out of my room and into the hallway, being careful not to wake anybody else. It was 7:23 am and classes didn't start until 9am, but I had to take the subway. Yeah, surprise, surprise: the teacher's wage is not good. With my handbag and my spirits up, i exited Star Tower.


"Okay guys, come on. Sit down, I'ts time." I smiled at the new group, excited and a little irritated at the same time. Teenagers were awful, but I took this work anyway. Kids lost their curious instinct on those years, so I was trying to manage to save a little bit of it. For the sake of human kind's future.

"My name is Ella Reynolds, so you can call me Miss Reynolds. I'll be your science teacher for this year. And I'll be seeing you around for the next four years. That said, welcome to high school. Let's hope we get along, okay? Now why don't we do a little exercise? Each of you will say your name and something about you that you find interesting. Let's start over here."

"My name's John Meyer and i... play football."

"My name's Nancy and I can do flip flops."

"My name's..." the exercise continued. Is it me, or each year kids have more apathy?

She says she's no good with words but I'm worse...

"Oh no..." I said hurring to take my phone out of my bag as soon as I realized it was my ringtone. Stupid Tony was calling me now? "Sorry guys." I switched it to silence, and I kept feeling it buzzing on the desk. Stacy, Markus and Steve had introduced themselves when the worst thing ever happened.

"Miss Reynolds." Sounded a metallic voice and I looked at my phone really confused. The screen was shining, some kind of program was overrunning it.

"Oh my god." I said grasping it. "Jarvis you traitor." I whispered running out of the room. I closed the door behind me and signalled my students that I'll be gone five minutes. Immediately, they started talking. Great. Awesome start.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Mr. Stark insists that you take his call. Says it is very important."

"Fine." I said with a hand on my face.

"Ella, what the hell?" said Tony on the line.

"What's wrong? For your sake, Tony, I hope someone's dying."

"What? No. Why would you say such a thing?"

"Because I'm busy, who said you could hack into my phone?"

"You hacked my files."

"That was white hacking. There's a difference."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Where are you? Why are you not here training with us?"

"I'm out. I'm... busy."

"You're busy?"

"Yes, Tony, I have a life outside of that Tower. And you know what? I'm pretty busy right now, so don't call me until someone's dying or aliens are invading the earth. Got it? I mean it, Stark."

"Your voice sounds amazing when you threaten me."

With that, I hung up and faced my class. I swear, sometimes he can be a handful.


The day had advanced without any new event. So far, same old. Right now, We were halfway through last period. 30 minutes and they were free. It was always the hardest time to get them focused.

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