Tony's beach house

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Rose's POV

"I swear you are just like Bruce sometimes." Said Amy holding back a laugh while Ella and Natasha were all around the room packing stuff.

"Well I just don't think this is very productive, is it? And I'm just so close to finishing some tests for my new formula."

"If you are that close, then it can wait." Said Ella handing me a tote bag and I sighed.

"I could have packed myself, thank you."

"Your welcome. Now let's go, I want to go to the beach."

"You know," I said as we got to the heliport "I thought there was going to be so much work in the team that I would hardly get any day off. Now I think it is more fun than work."

"Isn't that a good thing?" asked Steve helping me get into the jet. "And why are we taking the jet? I don't think fury would like it."

"It's my jet, relax. Said Tony sitting next to Ella. She smiled at him and they engaged in a private conversation.

"I thought they hated each other?" I said to Steve as he sat himself to my right.

"I believe that's what you could call... a love-hate relationship? Did I get it right?" he asked scratching his neck a little nervous. I giggled and nodded at him.

"Yes. You are getting better with the 21'st century culture." I joked.

"Well I try my best ma'am."

After half an hour the jet arrived somewhere, but landed with a little difficulty and Steve immediately put his arm in front of me, as if I would be flying around even with the safety belt. He coughed once he noticed he was, indeed, touching my chest with his arm, and as red as a tomato, stood up and walked off.

"My bad." Giggled Amy from the driver seat. Clint was at her left side. He was teaching her how to pilot this thing.

"You did great. Just need a little practice."

"Where are we anyway?" I asked.

"Safe house." Said Natasha as she and Bruce walked out. I followed after. we were on another heliport, on top of what seemed like a beach house, the ocean was in front of us. The breeze was fresh, and the light was bright. I breathed in the salty air and smiled. Maybe this was a good idea after all.


"What the heck?"

"What? Don't you like it?" asked a confused Natasha. All of us girls were changing in one of the suits in Tony's house. Natasha had insisted on some girls only time, she was enjoying herself, more relaxed than I had seen her before, and I suspect it's related to the fact that she's no longer surrounded by men only.

"Are you kidding me? This is the American flag!" I whispered/yelled.

"Yes. I picked it myself." She said combing her red hair.

"Please tell me you are not in the delusion that Steve and I have something."

"You ARE." Said Ella. "You SO are, I saw you guys almost kissing on the fair."

"Not to mention the thing on the jet." Added Amy wiggling her eyebrows.

"I still think you did that on purpose. Can someone please change swimsuits with me?" I pleaded but they refused. "You are damaging the cause. This is going to be so obvious."

"Can't you just enjoy yourself? The Cap's obviously going to love it. Come on, his girl and his country's flag? That's gotta be like his best fantasy." Said Amy putting on her sandals, she was wearing a white one-piece that was missing the left side of it. I opened my mouth, trying to find something to say against her latest comment but couldn't muster a single word. Instead, I just blushed horribly. "This weekend is going to be great."

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