Chapter 2 >>New Beginings

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The Next Morning

Kayla P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning happier than ever. Idk why.

I got out the bed, went to the bathroom & did my morning hygiene. I walked out my room & into the hallway to the guest bedroom to see India still asleep. I swear this girl could sleep all day.

India P.O.V

I was in a deep sleep having this good ass dream about that dude Kayla met at the gas station. His name was Bookie or something like that. It was something about him. He was just my type! He was a dreadhead w/ some sexy big juicy lips! On top of that he had hella swag! Kayla can have the other two, I want Bookie ! ( or whatever his name is )

All of a sudden I felt somebody jump on my back. & I knew exactly who it was.

"Kayla, get your ass off me!"

"You gotta get up, it's almost 11 & I think I smell Mama cooking breakfast"

"Oh Hell Yea!" I shouted while running to the bathroom.

I LOVE Mama Karen's cooking! She could throw down. I went in the bathroom, tinkled, brushed my teeth, washed my face, & threw my hair into a messy bun. After I was finished I headed down stairs.

Momma Karen's P.O.V

I haven't cooked breakfast in a while for the family, so I thought I'd do so for my favorite two girls! They were both here & it was perfect timing to tell them ...

"Good morning Mommy"

"Good morning baby, how'd you sleep?"


"Where's India"

Kayla's P.O.V.

"Where's India" My mom asked . Before I could answer, India walked in happy as hell

"Goodmorning Mama Kay" she said giving mama a hug & kissing her cheek

"Good morning baby. What's gotten in to you this morning?"

"You know how she is w/ food ma!" I interrupted

"Shutup" India Said

"Anyways, this food smells so good Ma . It's just what I needed to start my day"

"Thank you. Go ahead & make you a plate. You too India"

We said yes ma'am and fixed our plate. I noticed Ma had been acting kinda funny bc she asked us to sit in the dining room. We only sit there on special occasions.

Between eating Momma tried to make small talk

"What did you girls do yesterday"

"We went to the park yesterday morning & a party on 47th & 8th last night" I told her

"It sounds like y'all had a good time"

"We Did!" India & I said in unison

We told mommy about Issa & Isa & Boakie & Que. I noticed India kinda smiled when I said Boakie's name. I didnt think much of it, but it's really not a big deal. I don't even know him.

"There's something I wanna tell you guys" My Mom Said

"Okay what is it"

"I got a promotion on my job!"

"What? That's great momma! I'm happy for you" I said

"But ..."

"But what ?" India said

"If I take it, I'm not gonna be home as often as I used to. Before you get up in the morning & probably won't be home until midnight"

"You can take it! I'm a big girl now. I can stay home & take care of myself. & That means Indi can stay over more!"

"Yea, you're right"

"I'm happy for you Ma. Congratulations on your new job" I leaned over & kissed her cheek

"What do you girls have planned for today"

"Nothing. We're gonna stay here & chill"

"Kayla's probably gonna be booed up on the phone w/ one of her new boos" India teased

"Okay, I have to run to the office. I'm gonna go shower & I'll be on my way out. If I don't make it back before you get ready to go to bed, don't wait up for me"

We said okay & headed up stairs

Indi & I were sitting on my bed watching re-runs of LHHATL when my phone wrung

"Omg, Indi he's calling"


Issa P.O.V.

I woke up this morning feeling good. I had a good day yesterday. And I met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. On top of that, Isa likes her

"Good Morning Mama"

"Good Morning E, what you & Isa getting into today"

"I'm thinking about taking her to Chuckee Cheese's today along w/ a friend"

"Have I met this friend? I'm guessing its a girl"

"Yes it is a girl & she's beautiful! I met her yesterday"

I told her how we met

"That Isa, she is something" mama said

"Yea she really is"

"It sounds like you like this girl a lot. If she's the one you'll know it for sure. But don't try to rush into anything, just bc she's pretty. Understand ?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"I love you boy"

"I Love you too Ma" I gave her a hug & she kissed my cheek. I ran upstairs to call Kayla

Phone Convo



"In the flesh! Wassup?"

"I was wondering if you would like to come to Chuckee Cheese w/ me & Isa today. She's been talking about you since we got home"

"Really? Tell her I said Hi. & I would love to come"

"Okay Ill tell her. I'll meet you there around 1?

"Yea yea 1 is fine. Is it okay if I bring India w/ me?"

"Yes that's fine. As long as you come, I don't care who you bring"

I chuckled "Okay, we'll see you there"

"Okay" I hung up the phone

Yes! She said yes! I gotta hurry up & get Isa ready so we can leave. Since she's bringing India along, Imma call my nigga Tevin & see what he up to. I don't want her to feel like a 3rd wheel

1 hour later

I finished getting Isa ready. I took my shower, did my hygiene & put on some Camouflage cargos, a Black Polo Crew Neck w/ a Camouflage SnapBack w/ accents of red in it. I put on my Black Supras, sprayed some of my favorite cologne, tied my dreads back & headed out the door w/ Isa in my arms.

Kayla P.O.V

"Where the hell you volunteering me to go" India said

"Chuckee Cheese"

"Tf I look like going to Chuckee Cheese ?"

"Issa wants us to meet him there at 1 so hurry up & get ready"

"Whatever" she said walking out the room

I showered & rebrushed my teeth since I had eaten again. I put on some black fitted Cargos w/ my Red & Black Mickey Mouse shirt. I wore my red converse & my silver hoop earrings. I decided to straighten my hair today.

India P.O.V.

My hair was still straight from last night so I wrapped it & put my bonnet on when i got in the shower, so Kayla wouldn't have to straighten it again . After I showered, I put my lotion & underwear & stuff on. I decided to wear my Black shorts w/ a Black Crop top that said " Im With Her 👉 " in red writing. I only wear it when I'm w/ my Kayla Bug! I put on my Black Thong Sandals, gold hoop earrings & gold bracelet that had my name on it.

I walked in Kayla's room & she was dressed almost like me.

"Ohh Shit, we twinning !"

"Great minds think alike"

"Stand right here, so we can take a mirror pic"

We took a few pics for the gram & left the house

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