Chapter 5 >>Meeting The Family ?

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Before you read this chapter. Read the one after it then come back to this one. It published wrong.


Kayla P.O.V.


I woke up this morning thinking about Isa! I miss her so much. I wonder if I can see her today. 

My mommy was home & I told her about the whole thing about Love staying here for a while & she was Cool w/ it. I was so happy she understood. 

Indi has been acting so different lately. I don't know if its me or her but something Is up. Ever since Love got here she been acting like a bitch. She even went home unannounced yesterday. Oh well! I have no time in my life to be tolerating bull shit. She's gone, that's one less thing I would have to worry about.

I had already brushed my teeth & showered so I headed downstairs. Love was already up & dressed.

"Good morning Love"

"Good morning"

"You wanna go to the movies w/ me & a friend Saturday night?"

"If she anything like that bitch India, I don't wanna go"

"You're so crazy. It's a guy."

"Nah, ion wanna feel like a 3rd wheel"

"He's gonna bring one if his guy friends w/ him. It'll be fun"

"Is his guy friend ugly?"

"I don't know. I just met this dude last week at aparty"

"Alright, I'll go. But if his friend ugly, I'm leaving"

"Okay. Deal"

I went up stairs about 30 minutes later & headed straight to my closet. Uggh, idk what I wanna wear today. I chose some jean shorts & a purple crop tee w/ my black 11's. I straightened my hair & wore it down.

I was through getting dressed so I decided to call Issa :

"Hello" he said answering the phone

"King Issa!" I said getting excited

"Wassup Kay?" I could tell he was smiling through the phone

"Uhm, I was wondering if I could see Isa today? Maybe take her out somewhere & we have a girls day out?"

"Yea. I'm okay w/ that. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion. I miss her & really wanna see her"

"Damn. You didn't miss me?"

"Not as much as I miss her!"

"It's like that? But you coming over here or you want me to bring her to you?"

"Coming over there is fine"

"Imma text you my address"

"Okay, I'll be over there around 1"

"Ok. See you then"

End of Phone Call

Yes! I get to see Isa! I swear she's the cutest baby I've ever seen!

"Love! I'm about to head out in a minute, you wanna come?" I yelled from upstairs


Love P.O.V.

I got up early this morning bc I couldn't go back to sleep. I brushed my teeth & showered & went ahead and got dressed. Kayla came down shortly after & told me about this date she's going on & wanted me to tag along w/ her. So I just said yea bc it's not shit else to do. She went back upstairs & I finished watching this re run episode of hit the floor.

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