Chapter 3 >>Chuckee Cheese

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Kayla P.O.V.

We just got to Chuckee Cheese. I don't know what kind of car Issa drives, so I didn't know if he was here or not.  

We walked in & I saw a crowd of people standing around somebody. I was gonna go look & see who it was but Isa came running towards me.

"Hey Isa!" I said picking her up & giving her a hug


"Where's Daddy?" I asked her

Then she pointed to where the crowd of people were

"Isa! ..... Isa!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say

Then a tall brown skinned boy came around the corner

"Isa .. Why did ...... Ooooh you must be Kayla!"

"That's me! You are?"

"Tevin, Tevin Laury, friend of Issa's"

"Oh okay"

"Hey Tevin, Im India! Thanks Kayla for introducing Me" India said

"Wassup" Tevin told her.

"Nothing, Im ready to shoot some hoops"

"Oh Forreal? Pretty girl & she hoop! I can except that challenge all day. You wanna play?"

"Heck yea!"

They got up & headed to the basketball game thing.

Issa came from the middle of the crowd of people 5 minutes later... Looking sexy as Hell. He had on Black, Red, & Camouflage! Those were his colors! Is it me or is it getting hot in here?

"Hey" he said, smiling his million dollar smile

"Hey" I said getting up reaching for a hug

He hugged back & I almost melted! This boy was a hugger! & his cologne was smelling good! Oooooo Whooo !

"I see you tried to dress like me" he said

"Nah Nigga, you dressed like me"

"You look good thoo"

I blushed & smiled "You're not too bad yourself"

"Oh really"

"Yes really, but if you don't mind me asking, what was w/ all of those people?"

"Oh you haven't heard of me?"


"Oh , Imma Rapper"

"Oh Forreal? Spit something for me!"

"I'll do it, after you let me take you out Friday night"

"I would love to go out Friday!"

"No, Isa this time"

"I'm gonna miss not seeing her, but okay!

"It's a Date!"

"Soo, how old are you?" I asked him

"18, you"


"Awwe. I gotta little baby on my hands"

"Who Isa?"

"You got jokes. When's your birthday"

"March 24th"

"Aries Baby"

"Yess! When's yours?"

"September 22nd"

"So how long you been rapping"

"Since I was little, they used to call me Small Wonder. But now I'm the King. King Issa"

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