The Next Day

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As much as I wished it didn't, "tomorrow" had come, and became today. I dragged myself out of bed, and threw on shorts and a tank-top. I didn't bother to look at myself in the mirror. I didn't care about my appearance.

"Isabella! Time to go. Your friends are waiting!" My mum called up to me. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. We hopped into the car and drove to my friends' houses to pick them up in our minivan.

Eventually, everyone had gotten picked up and we made our way towards center of the city. The car was filled with excitement and a lot of conversation. My mum smiled at me through the mirror and I faked a smile back.

After what seemed like forever for everyone else, but way to short for me, we finally parked in the parking lot by a beach. We all hopped out.

My mum got everyone's attention. "I have to go run some errands. Stay together and don't go off with anyone else. Don't take candy from strangers," she told us. Mum had a serious, but kind look on her face. We all nodded and ran off. My mum wasn't very strict.

My friends had their phones out, ready to take pictures. Their heads bobbing all around, in search of Levi. After an hour of not finding him, we sat down at a picnic table at a local park.

"Ugh! This is hopeless!" Madison groaned. Everyone had tired, upset looks on their faces.

"See, I told you! I knew you wouldn't..."  I paused. I saw Levi walking not too far off. I didn't know if I should say anything. Then, I noticed him look at me, in the eyes. He smiled and began to walk in our direction.

I was about to tell my friends, but Grace beat me to it. "OMG! It's Levi Miller!" She yelled as she pointed in his direction. My friends looked up excitedly and started fan-girling.
Oh goodness, I thought. Levi probably stopped walking in our direction to avoid the screaming girls, but when I looked up he was still walking towards us.

I'm Not Falling in Love (Levi Miller Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now