Chapter V

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*Nala's POV*
"Feel like doing another experiment?" I was already filling up the glass with water.
"Sure," Tammy didn't seem completely convinced but I still didn't have any answers about why my tail disappeared so fast at the beach.

I locked the door and let the glass drip over my arm and handed it to Tammy. I sat down quickly, because tripping over your own tail isn't very graceful. Tammy poured the whole cup on her head and joined me on the floor.

I told her the story about how my tail had disappeared so quickly at the beach, obviously leaving out the parts about the small boy who almost discovered my secret, because I didn't want to worry her.

"All I did was this," I say, balling my fists as the stinging sensation in my tail begins. Smoke rose from underneath me and I smiled at the strange phenomenon. My tail was gone in less than a minute. Tammy tried but nothing seemed to happen, I didn't understand, why couldn't she do it too.

"I don't get it, all I did was-" I clenched my fist over the puddle of water Tammy had left on the ground after pouring the glass on herself. It began to bubble and boil until it evaporated, this was so cool.

Tammy tried again, squeezing her fists together as hard as she could but it was no use, nothing seemed to happen. She seemed frustrated so I went to refill the glass of water and placed it next to her.

"Maybe you can do something different, something I can't do," I suggest.
"I can pour the whole thing on you," she said quickly and went to grab the glass.

I stood up to run away from her but we found that the glass had completely frozen over. I smiled widely, she could do something weird. Tammy seemed impressed with herself. I pointed my hand towards the glass and slowly balled my fists.

The ice turned back to liquid and Tammy stared at it. She pointed her palm at the drink and it froze over again. Naturally, I tried to do this too, although I was slightly thankful when nothing happened. I didn't want her to feel like I was better than her.

For the rest of the night, we had fun just freezing and melting the water in the glass. The thrill of having this new power to use was extremely exciting but of course, with great power comes great responsibility.

*Bella's POV*
I sat with Rikki sipping at my smoothie in the café, her shift would start soon but that didn't meant we couldn't chill out for a while beforehand. I pull out my phone and remember a message Cleo sent me yesterday.

"Did Cleo send you that weird picture of some girl at the beach?" I ask.
"Yeah, she told me that it started raining the other day and that girl ran into the water as soon as she got a drop on her, I guess it could be a lead," Rikki replies.
"I guess," I sigh. "This whole mermaid hunting thing is tiring."
"Yeah, but now we know what she looks like and what school she goes to, we could find one of them," Rikki explained.
"But school doesn't go back for another 4 weeks, we could be in museums by then."
"Rewriting those history textbooks, we had to read through over and over again,"
"Books..." I mumbled.

I ran out of the café without really explaining myself, which now that I think about it was probably weird and suspicious. I was heading for the library, to find East Coastal's yearbook, I'd look for the girl and then we'll have a name which we could use to trace the girl.

If this girl was in one of the yearbook's we'd know her name and that she actually was a mermaid; one of the two girls I saw in the moon pool. Once I found a name and school (maybe even a few things she liked), it'd be easy to track her down.

I head for the local yearbooks section and pull out the most recent East Costal High School yearbook from one of the shelves. Finding a comfy beanbag, I begin to search. Principal's speech, awards, highlights of the year, boring.

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