May 31,1922

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May 31, 1922

My husband woke me up at the crack of dawn again so I could get start on my day's routine. I made breakfast for my little girl and tried to get my chores done around the house as quickly as possible so that I could hurry up and get to the fields before the sun got at its highest point. The day seemed to drag on and I yearned for some rest. My back ached from bending over and the heat was intense. When I finally finished my share of the job today, I made my way back home. It wasn't that long of a walk and for that I was thankful. When I walked in our small residence I found myself alone. I was so happy at the thought of being the first one home. I took off my sweaty clothes and slipped into nice clean ones. I took my time tending to the bruises and splinters that made home on my feet. After I tried my best to fix myself up, I laid down on our lumpy bed.

It wasn't even five minutes before someone else walked through the door. It took me awhile but I hobbled out of my room to see who it was. Didi, my 11 year old, walked into the kitchen stifling tears. I rushed over to her and looked down at her cut up hands. Didi just started to work in the fields with the other older children last week. She wasn't use to this much work, and has been struggling. I tried my best to mend her wounds and dry up her tears.

Usually Didi would help me make dinner but I let her have the rest of her day to play with the kids next door. I would have felt better if she was inside playing, but with who? I gave a slight frown. Didi would have got to have brothers and sisters, but didn't get lucky due to complications. Sonia, our next door neighbor, had plenty of kids that Didi became close with. I still felt uneasy that Didi was out in the front yard, but she needed some time to do something for herself so to unwind.

I was almost finished making soup when Daniel walked into the door. His hair was tousled and he sat down on the kitchen chair, looking beat. I went over to hug him but then saw the newspaper in his hand. "Honey, you really don't need a paper to confirm you that our world is being flipped upside down. I mean with all this hoo-ha about over-population and how women should calm down our baby making skills. You do know that stuff just can't be controlled?" I cocked my hips and smiled down at him. "Yea I know," He smirked and hugged me tight. Just then Didi came running in. "Daddy!!!" She yelled and Daniel laughed with joy. "There's my beautiful princess," He exclaimed and my heart filled with joy. My face beamed as I looked at our beautiful little family. My two loves are alive and safe, and I thank God for protecting us through all this turmoil. Once Daniel piggybacked Didi out of the room, I picked up the newspaper that he placed on the table. I only read the first page and sadness grew in my heart. I know something is about to happen; something big. I can feel it in my bones, and I pray that we will make it through.

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