June 1, 1992

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June 1, 1992

Today I took it upon myself to go out and get some necessities from the market. Once I kissed Daniel and Didi goodbye, I headed out early and wasn't expecting to get back until dusk. As soon as I got into town I started to shop for what we would be needing for the next few weeks. I had spent most of my day at the market and was almost done getting everything that I needed.

Once I finished, I started to walk down the road then heard a commotion over by the bakery. I looked over and noticed a young police officer arguing with an elderly man. I couldn't imagine what they were talking about but it seemed to be heated. I didn't think anything of it until the police officer got out his gun. A long shot rang clear, and many people started to scream. I raced over to the man that now laid dead on the floor. I knew him! He used to work with me in the fields. "Ramin," I screeched and looked over to him. His lifeless body laid limp on the cold ground. "How could you!" I yelled at the murderer not thinking. He raised his hand up in the air and smacked me with so much force that I fell to the ground. He now pointed his gun at me plastering a wicked smirk on his face. Tears welled up in my eyes and I cried out mercy.

Just when I feared the end, herds of people rushed forward to see what had happened to poor Ramin. I was devoured into the crowd of onlookers, and sighed relief as people stepped over me and towards the murder scene. As soon as I stood chills ran up my arms. People started to punch and beat each other in rage. They all seemed worked up by Ramin's death.

I tried to get out of there as fast as I could, leaving my groceries on the ground. It didn't take me long to reach my house at the speed I was going. I bursted through the doors of our home and Daniel stood form his seat with a concerned look on his face. I flew into him and started to cry uncontrollably. "Ramin was shot," I whispered and I could feel Daniel get tensed. "Then people started to almost kill each other in the streets. I barely made it out alive. Oh what a world we live in. How could this have happen? We didn't do anything to deserve this," I babbled and Daniel held me tight. I don't know why bad things are happing to good people. I may never truly know why Ramin was murdered today but I just pray that the worst is behind us.

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