April 7, 1994

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April 7, 1994

Today I was in the fields, just starting the day when all of the sudden we were released from our work. This was really strange because we never got out early. I took my time leaving and had chats with some of the people I worked with. Some said that someone had been killed, and others said that our boss was just ecstatic due to his 5th child's birth. I started to make my way home with Sonia by my side. We were almost there when we heard a motor coming down the road. We listen close and realized that it was a truck full of angry men. Being two young Tutsi women, we hid in behind a nearby bush. As the men drove by, we could hear their shouting.

"They did it. I told you they would strike one day, and here we are," One shouted and I looked over to Sonia concerned. "I told you that we should have rid the world of those revolting Tutsi the first time!" One yelled and threw a beer bottle to the ground. I almost jumped in fear. "Why should we have to wait? Why not kill the cockroaches now!" Another threatened and I developed a lump in my throat. We sat still until we were sure that the men were far away. Once we got to our feet, we sprinted to our homes.

I bolted my door and shut all my curtains. I could hear commotion outside and took a little peek out of my window. There were people running around. Some crying and some yelling. No one seemed to notice that I was home yet so I started to get together some clothing and food. I feared that we wouldn't be staying here for long. I was rushing around frantic when I heard someone trying to twist the nob on the front door. I froze in fear. The person again tried to open the door, a little more forcefully this time. I slowly creped towards the window near the door. When I looked out of it, no one was at my door step. Chills ran up and down my legs as I looked out at the chaos outside. I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and jumped. I smacked the person and ran to the kitchen to get a knife. I don't know what I was planning on doing with the weapon, I don't think I have the guts to actually hurt someone. I waited for the man to round the corner, and when he did I covered my mouth. Daniel stood there rubbing his cheek. "Oh I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you," I dropped the knife and ran into his arms. "It is okay. I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that," I looked up at him and whispered, "What is happing Daniel?" he sighed and hugged me tighter. "I don't know sweetheart, but we need to go,"

We snuck out the back with a few of our things, and headed over to my mother's house where Didi was hiding. Once we made it Didi rushed into my arms with teary eyes. "Who are they and why are they hurting people?" She cried and I caressed her head in my hands. "It is going to be fine honey," I forced a smile and hugged my mother good-bye. "Be safe" She whispered and kissed my cheek. "I love you mother" I stifled tears. I hope this isn't the last time I will be seeing her. We started to walk through the woods, trying not to be spotted. Daniel told us that we were going to stay with his good friend, Elie's, house until things died down.

It seemed like forever but we finally made it. When we walked in, Elie and his wife rushed over to us. "Oh we are so glad you made it here okay. We heard what happened, and you living so close. It must have been terrible," Josiane, Elie's wife, babbled and gave me a bid hug. "Wait what are yall talking about?" Daniel asked and Josiane gasped. "Yall don't know?" Elie seemed shocked and Daniel and I shook our heads in unison. Josiane opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself and looked down at Didi. "Hey princess can you go wash up before bed," Daniel asked and Didi frowned. "But we haven't even had dinner yet," She rubbed her stomach like she hasn't eaten for days. "Oh don't worry we can fix up something," Josiane smiled and Didi skipped over to the restroom.

Elie showed us over to the kitchen and we sat down at the table as Josiane started to make dinner. "There is no correct way to say this so I am just going to put it out in the open. The two presidents were killed today. They were flying home for some meeting with some other African leaders. Well someone shot a rocket at their plane and all ten passengers died," Elie spoke slowly and Daniel grabbed my hand tight. "Some people are beginning to say it was a Tutsi who killed the presidents," Josiane hopped into the conversation. "This is mayhem. So now we are to blame for the deaths of the presidents," Daniel fumed but I was too stunned to say anything. Elie was about to say more when Didi came into the room and ran up to me. "Mommy may I sit on your lap?" She asked and I lifted her up and sat her across my legs. Daniel pulled some hair out of her face and got up. He kissed me on the forehead and followed Elie out of the room and into his bedroom. I sat there holding Didi like she was about to break and I smiled when she told me that she always loved vacations.

After dinner we followed Daniel to a back room/closet. Elie had moved all their coats out so to make a little more room, but we were still going to be squashed. Daniel got a blanket and draped it over the floor and got three pillows for our backs. Didi scrunched up her face. "What are you doing daddy?" She asked and hugged her stuffed elephant. "I am making up our guest bedroom," Daniel tried to sound gleeful and Josiane walked over to us. "Sorry this is all we have," She gave a weak smile. "No, no. You are doing so much for us and we thank you for that," I grabbed her hands then hugged her. "This isn't a guest bedroom. This is a closet," Didi snorted and I shook my head. "Didi we mustn't be rude. Now apologize to Mrs. Josiane for insulting her beautiful house," I scolded and sat down in the closet with Daniel. "Sorry Mrs. Josiane, I didn't mean to be rude," Didi frowned and Josiane hugged her. "It is quiet alight," She smiled. "Come on Didi time for bed," Daniel called her over. Once we were all pushed into the little space, Josiane shut the door and left us in darkness.

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