3- I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous

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Video: The Promise 


I heard the bus door open and close faintly, since I was only half-asleep. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the other bunks to see who left. Every bunk was occupied.

I stood on top of my mattress quietly to look at the bunk above me to see if Annabeth was there. And sure enough, she was gone.

I jumped off the mattress and onto the ground, trying to be as quiet as possible. I wasn’t very silent, but luckily no one woke up. I stealthily walked to bus door, opening and closing quietly as I stepped into the cold night.

It was only October, but it was already freezing outside. I cursed myself for just wearing sweatpants and a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. I walked around the venue’s parking lot, trying to find where Annabeth ran off too.

When I was about to give up on trying to find her, I heard a girls voice whimper, followed by a mans voice telling her to shut-up. I followed the sound of the two faces and saw a flash of red hair.


“What do you want, Jason?” She spat, but there was a hint of fear in her voice.

“My dear Annabeth,” He purred, but his voice was filled with venom. “I want you, and I always get what I want.”

I heard Annabeth cry out in pain and I stepped closer so I could see her and the boy, Jason apparently. I could see him gripping her wrist, his nails digging into the soft flesh. A few drops of red blood ran down Annabeth’s wrist and she it her bottom lip.

I started walking towards them, my only intention to get this Jason guy away from her. “I’ll be back, Beth.” He growled, walking away and eventually disappearing. Annabeth stood there, frozen.

“What was that about?” I questioned, stepping towards her.


He knew I hated being called Beth, but he still used that nickname anyways. I stared as he walked away, as intimidating as he was when we were dating. We dated a whole year, the first month or two were perfect. He was sweet, funny, and kind. I really thought he was the one, he was the only one I showed love too that returned it. Heck, I didn’t even love my band mates. Because I knew what love led too, hurt.

We were completely in love, but then he started becoming rude and pushy. He would try to force me to have sex with him, and I would object. Causing him to hit me. So he would take advantage of me, and I would stand there- helpless and pathetic. He would also verbally abuse me, calling me fat, ugly, worthless, etc.

“What was that about?” A voice questioned, breaking me out of my thoughts. I whipped around, to be faced by Vic.

“It was nothing, he’s no one. Just forget it.” I said. He raised an eyebrow at me questionably.


“Forget it? He hurt you, and you were terrified. Look at your wrist!” I exclaimed, not able to contain my outburst. Even though I did bully her almost 10 years ago, I cared about her. It was weird, but I felt like it’s my responsibility to protect her since I was part of the reason her high school experience was the (as far as I know) shittiest time of her life.

“Why do you even care?” She repeated from this morning, except she said it gentler and full of confusing, unlike this morning when it was full of disgust and a hint of pain. This time she asked the question full of confusion, it was like she wasn’t used to people caring about her. Maybe she was never cared about, but it was obvious her band mates, especially Austin, cared about her.

What If I Can't Forget You? ↠ A Vic Fuentes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now