10- Hold On Till May

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Video: Hold On Till May Featuring Jenna McDougall

Picture: Annabeth With Black Hair

**4 Months Later**


I never thought two words could affect me so much. "She's gone". The love of my life had passed away, never to return.

"You ready?" Jenna asked. I nodded and grabbed my guitar. My band, Jenna McDougall, and I were at an acoustic set at Hot Topic. We were playing Bulletproof Love, Caraphernelia, Yeah Boy And Doll Face, Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides, and finally introducing Hold On Till May. It was a new song from our album Collide With The Sky. It was about her. I knew if I said or even thought her name I would break down crying.

I walked out onto the small stage the store set up along with Tony and Jaime, and we started the show.

The time for Hold On Till May finally came. The title was for a girl we heard about, Olivia Penpraze. But the song itself was all about Annabeth and her past.

Jenna walked out onto stage and Jaime and Tony walked off. I started strumming and shut my eyes, keeping my tears at bay.

"She sits up high surrounded by the sun

One million branches and she loves every one

'Mom and dad, did you search for me?

I've been up here so long I'm going crazy'"

That part was about how when she was young and loved everyone, she would hide in a tree and see if her parents would search for her.

Suddenly the part that had the most meaning for me came.

"If I were you, I'd put that away

See, you're just wasted

And thinking about the past again

Darling you'll be okay"

I couldn't keep the tears in anymore. I broke down into tears and my guitar dropped to the floor as I fell to my knees.

"Come back, Annabeth." I kept muttering to myself. Jenna wrapped her arms around me and hugged my limp body tightly, telling me how she was in a better place. I missed everything about Annabeth. How she was so headstrong, beautiful, funny, sarcastic, and just amazing. I missed how she resembled a punk version of Ariel from the Little Mermaid and how she would get so annoyed when people called her The Little Mermaid, or when Jaime called her Mermaid and she would get so annoyed. But it was okay but she looked even more adorable with a scowl etched on her face with a pout.

Mike came out and helped me up, wrapping an arm around me. "I want her back too." He mumbled to himself.

I wish she would come back. But I knew she was above us, sporting a halo and pure white angel wings.


"You're fucking insane." I spat to my dad. I was now practically a prisoner in my own house. Well, my dad's house. I swear, that man is insane.

My mother killed herself while I was in the hospital. The note was addressed to me, saying how she was sorry about how bad of a mother she was and how she was sorry for not being a mom too me while I was growing up.

So my dad, being his mentally unstable self, took me and told everyone I died. Since I had a past of self-harm and had done it in the past year, he was able to pretty much get custody of me. I wasn't allowed to leave the house, and he would always be watching me. Usually in cases like this the parent would help their kid and let them go back to their normal lives when they were mentally ready. Bu my dad was insane and used this opportunity to turn me into my mom. I had her bright blue eyes and looked like a mini her, besides my hair being red and hers being black. But my dad took care of that, he forced me to dye my hair black, and when I refused he did it himself while I was tied up. I told you he was crazy.

He just kept walking around, ignoring me. After a while he suddenly turned towards me, an evil smirk on his face. I tugged at the ropes tied to my wrists, attaching me to the bed.

He stroked my hair and I cringed away at his touch. He just chuckled and shook his head. "You better warm up to me, I just arranged for a wedding preacher to come and give us our license. We'll be married, Molly." He told me, calling me by my mom's name.

"I am not Molly. That is my mom, your deceased wife! My name is Annabeth, your DAUGHTER!" I screamed the last part but he just ignored me, like I said nothing.

"The preacher will be here in a couple hours, go put on the wedding dress that's in the bathroom, along with some makeup if you like." He untied me and locked me in the bedroom bathroom. There were no windows, so I couldn't escape.

I sighed and looked at the old dress, which I recognized as my mother's old dress. I decided to cooperate and put it on, maybe I could get the preacher to help me. I doubt it, since they are most likely to be a friend of my fathers, but it's worth a shot. I looked at myself in the mirror and took my smudged old makeup off my face.

I kept my ratty converse on and sat on the ground, waiting for my dad to return.

After what seemed like an eternity I heard the doorbell ring. The preacher must be here. The house is small and only has one floor so I can hear what's going on throughout the house.

"Hello, are you the preacher?" My dad asked when he opened the door.

"Um yes. I'm Mr. Fuenciado." A familiar voice replied. I knew who it was the second I heard Fuenciado.


My eyes widened and I started banging on the bathroom door. My dad opened the door eventually and gave me a sickly sweet smile.

"Come on, Molly. It's time to get married." He grabbed my hand tightly and gave me a glare, warning me not to say anything. He tightened his grip for a second and I nodded, showing I wouldn't try anything.

Mike started at me when I walked out and I mouthed 'Help'. He nodded slightly and gave my dad a fake smile. He was dressed in semi-fancy clothes and holding a bible, looking like a real preacher. "Shall we get started?" Mike asked my dad.

He nodded eagerly and turned around looked down to fix his tie. Mike grabbed a Jack Daniels bottle and smashed it over my dad's head. My dad fell to the ground and passed out.

"Mike." I sobbed, running into his arms. "How did you find me?" I questioned in between sobs.

Everyone were told you were dead, Vic and Austin have been and mess and your band broke up. I went to the hospital and asked if they knew if you had your funeral already or if you even had one since we never heard anything about it. I thought maybe they would know." He explained. "The nurse gave me a funny look and told me your dad had checked you out. I asked for your address and lied and said I was your brother so they would tell me. They did and I pretended to be some random dude to see if you were at your dad's house. Your dad asked if I was the preacher so I lied and said yes so I could get into your house. And here we are."

"Thank you." I muttered, crying into his chest since he, being like 6'3, towered over my 5'5 figure.

I just couldn't wait to see my band-mates and best friends again. But I especially couldn't wait to be in Vic's arms.

What If I Can't Forget You? ↠ A Vic Fuentes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now